@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007732, author = {鹿間, 久美子}, journal = {現代社会文化研究, 現代社会文化研究}, month = {Dec}, note = {The purpose of this study it to examine the sexuality education that Lester Allen Kirkendall has indicated. Kirkendall was a pioneer of the sexuality education. He often provided informal counseling to his pupils, especially to youth with sexual concerns. He composed that experience into some books such as "Sex Education as Human Relations" (1950), "Premarital Intercourse and Interpersonal Relationships" (1961), and it also led him to a genuine innovator in the field of Sexuality Education, Because of his outstanding contributions to that field, he was a one founder of SIECUS and served as a board of directors. This study produce the following result; Human sexuality as a concept definition, and so in order to construct an appropriate framework for the consideration of sexuality, basic concepts referring based on Kirkendall's sexuality and sexuality in WHO/WAS.}, pages = {91--106}, title = {L.A.カーケンダールの性教育思想の研究}, volume = {34}, year = {2005} }