@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007710, author = {由藤, 知矢佳}, journal = {現代社会文化研究, 現代社会文化研究}, month = {Jul}, note = {The importance of autonomous work group's role in organizational success within today's turbulent environment has been growingly recognized. Manufacturing organizations have to respond flexibly to small volume and high variety production to improve manufacturing performance (QCD). At manufacturing organizations, high degree of standardization is practiced. According to literature, while autonomy is the feature of decentralized organizations, standardization, on the contrary, is the bureaucratic organizations' characteristic. In relation to above, does autonomy is matter for production team? This paper reviews Socio-technical systems approach (STS), theoretically argues that autonomous work groups increase work organizational flexibility.}, pages = {223--231}, title = {プロダクション・チームにおいて自律性は重要か : 社会・技術システム論のレビューと含意}, volume = {36}, year = {2006} }