@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007180, author = {高橋, 類子}, journal = {教育実践研究指導センター研究紀要, 教育実践研究指導センター研究紀要}, month = {Jun}, note = {Materials designs were attempted for the 'family' area in the home economics which is intended for male and female students in each school and the instruction was given using the materials which were developed with due consideration to the developmental stages of the learners. The teaching was supported by the underlying wishes on the part of the teachers for the students' wellbeing as human beings. The hypothesis concerning teaching procedure and the students' participation were set up. The results follow : 1. The primary school learners demonstrated their interest in the study of the family through learning their birth and their relations with the family members. 2. The material designs for the middle school were centered around the human relationship. It was observed that the learners who had not been concerned about interactions with others showed significantly more favorable attitude toward the subject after the instruction. 3. The high school students were engaged in studying various problems in family life in the modern society and understood that the present life style would function as the basis for their life in the future through discussion of happy life. They also discussed aspects of the end of life. 4. The university students who observed the instruction gave high evaluations to this experiment.}, pages = {71--86}, title = {小・中・高における「家族」領域学習教材研究と授業展開の実際}, volume = {10}, year = {1991} }