@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00006811, author = {Ito, Tsuyoshi and Feng, Qinglai and Matsuoka, Atsushi}, journal = {Science reports of Niigata University. (Geology), Science reports of Niigata University. (Geology)}, month = {Mar}, note = {Middle Permian (Guadalupian) radiolarians were obtained from bedded siliceous rocks collected from the Gufeng Formation in the Liuhuang section in Chaohu, Anhui Province, South China. Three radiolarian assemblages, named as Pseudoalbaillella fusiformis, Follicucullus monacanthus, and Ruzhencevispongus uralicus, were recovered from the Liuhuang section in an ascending stratigraphic order. The quantitative analysis of radiolarian fauna in the Liuhuang section shows the following characteristics. Albaillellarians and spherical radiolarians occurred more commonly than stauraxon radiolarians, in the lower part; spherical radiolarians are extremely dominant in the middle part; and spherical and stauraxon radiolarians dominate the upper part. In other words, albaillellarians decrease upward in the Liuhuang section, whereas stauraxon and spherical radiolarians increase. This vertical radiolarian faunal change has been reported from the Gufeng Formation in other sections and areas in the Lower Yangtze region. Our findings are in keeping with previous reports, which supports a conclusion that radiolarian faunal change is common throughout the Gufeng Formation in the Lower Yangtze region.}, pages = {39--49}, title = {Radiolarian faunal change in the Middle Permian Gufeng Formation in the Liuhuang section, Chaohu, South China}, volume = {28}, year = {2013} }