@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00006805, author = {Tazawa, Jun-ichi and Araki, Hideo}, journal = {Science reports of Niigata University. (Geology), Science reports of Niigata University. (Geology)}, month = {Mar}, note = {Four brachiopod spesies, Edriosteges sp. A, Oldhamina ehiroi (Tazawa in Tazawa and Miyake, 2011), Meekella sp. and Attenuatella bandoi Tazawa, 1987 are described as additional species of the Nabekoshiyama fauna from the Nabekoshiyama Formation (Changhsingian) of Nabekoshiyama in the Kesennuma area, South Kitakami Belt, northeastern Japan. Among the newly described species, Attenuatella bandoi is an antitropical element, and Oldhamina ehiroi and Meekella sp. are tropical elements. Therefore, the additional brachiopods indicate that the Nabekoshiyama fauna is a mixed Boreal–Tethyan fauna in the Changhsingian.}, pages = {43--52}, title = {Additional brachiopod species from the upper Permian (Changhsingian) of Nabekoshiyama in the Kesennuma area, South Kitakami Belt, northeast Japan}, volume = {29}, year = {2014} }