@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00006596, author = {Asami, Tadashi and Fujii, Mieko and Sakai, Kaoru}, issue = {3}, journal = {Acta medica et biologica, Acta medica et biologica}, month = {Sep}, note = {Recent reports on a possible role for neutral proteinase(s), mainly serine proteinase(s), in the development of the nephrotic syndrome have prompted us to investigate the proteinase inhibitor activity of plasma α_1-proteinase inhibitor (α_1-PI, formerly referred to α_1-antitrypsin), which regulates a wide range of serine proteinases, including elastase. The concentration of plasma α_1-PI was significantly lower in idiopathic nephrotic syndrome (INS) both during relapse and in remission than in either chance proteinuria and/or haematuria or normal controls. The anti-elastase activity, one of the serine proteinase inhibitor effects of α_1-PI, was also decreased both during relapse and remission of INS. In contrast, the anti-trypsin activity was decreased upon relapse but normal in remission. The concentration of plasma α_1-PI correlated with the plasma anti-elastase activity, but not with the antitrypsin activity. The presence of decreased levels of both plasma α_1-PI inhibitor concentration and antielastase activity, not only during relapse but also in remission of INS, was difficult to explain in the present study, but may be a predisposing factor for the development of proteinuria and resultant nephrotic syndrome.}, pages = {141--145}, title = {Decreased Plasma α_1-antiproteinase Inhibitor Activity in Idiopathic Nephrotic Syndrome}, volume = {39}, year = {1991} }