@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00006416, author = {Yoshikawa, Keiji and Fukuda, Yoshikazu and Ohashi, Manabu and Okamoto, Haruhiko and Hatakeyama, Katsuyoshi and Sugawara, Masaaki and Namura, Osamu and Watanabe, Takehiro and Yamamoto, Kazuo and Sato, Kazunori and Watanabe, Ippei and Kimura, Motomasa}, issue = {1}, journal = {Acta medica et biologica, Acta medica et biologica}, month = {Mar}, note = {A 20-year-old man with two episodes of spontaneous hemorrhage occurring about 1 month before a hepatic artery aneurysm rupture is presented. The first hemorrhage appeared as intraperitoneal bleeding from a subserosal hematoma of the ascending colon, but soon after surgery the patient required transcatheter embolization for bleeding from a branch of the left iliac artery. The hepatic artery aneurysm was identified at emergency laparotomy a few weeks later. In retrospect, the earlier hemorrhages probably similarly represented small congenital visceral aneurysms. Multiple visceral aneurysms of a congenital nature involving different arteries are extremely rare. We here report a case with a unique combination of arterial sites.}, pages = {33--38}, title = {Spontaneous Hemorrhages from Two Arteries Preceding Rupture of a Hepatic Artery Aneurysm : A Possible Case of Multiple Congenital Visceral Aneurysms}, volume = {45}, year = {1997} }