@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00006143, author = {Matsui, Takaoki}, journal = {19世紀学研究, 19世紀学研究}, month = {Mar}, note = {Although Elective Affinities is subtitled "a novel", it has much in common with another literary genre : the Menippean satire which is also called the anatomy. It implicitly caricatures the zealous efforts of scientists to inquire into the "elective affinities" of the four elements (the four protagonists). Goethe included James Watt in those scientists. The old inventor is depicted as a young "assistant"of the "headmistress" [Vorsteherin] of a "boarding school" [Pension]. The plans and hardships of his early days (including his sick headaches) are mirrored in the assistant's passionate reports on the unfortunate schoolgirl Ottilie. Ottilie personifies the »fire« of Watt's still unfinished steam engine, while her handwriting shows the performance of his copy press (Part I, Ch. 3, 5, and 12). The Pension is etymologically reminiscent of the librating motion of his engine. The presence of the old Vorsteherin suggests the cline of his vigor by evoking the image of an enlarged prostate. In Part II, the assistant's conversation with Charlotte and Ottilie (»air« and »fire«) serves to describe the later improvements in Watt's steam engine: sun-and-planet gear, centrifugal governor, parallel linkage, slide-valve and its crankshaft. His theory of "education" [Erziehung] illustrates the way to pull [(er-)ziehen] the piston reciprocally with the power of steam. He also takes on the traits of Watt's sons as he thinks of taking over the school from the Vorsteherin. However, he fails to make Ottilie his new assistant. His hesitation in proposing to her points to James Watt Junior's mismanagement of the gas lighting business (Ch. 7). His stroll in the wintry garden parallels Watt's life in semi-retirement; his advice about the generation conflict suggests the way Watt tamed the rebellious son James in the years of the French Revolution (Ch. 8). Ottilie later discloses her wish to work in the Pension (Ch. 15). Although she exemplifies the older phlogiston theory of combustion throughout the story, she illustrates temporarily – in the assistant's absence – her "educational" task in accordance with John Dalton's caloric theory of heat. Dalton opposed it to the Laplace version of caloric theory which was adopted by Gay- Lussac. Ottilie depicts Dalton's view of the expansion of steam, while Luciane (Charlotte's daughter) parodies Laplace's view of gas expansion as the effect of "latent heat". However, Ottilie's words signify Goethe's disapproval of both theories; she admits the monstrosity [das Ungeheure] of her own as well as of ciane's conduct (cf. Ch. 6).}, pages = {139--157}, title = {Anatomie der Industrierevolution : Watt, Dalton und Gay-Lussac in Goethes Wahlverwandtschaften}, volume = {7}, year = {2013} }