@misc{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004429, author = {Kawahara, Ichiro}, month = {Mar}, note = {The distribution of antigen presenting cells such as dendritic cells and macrophages in the periodontal ligament of rat incisors and molars was surveyed by histochemical and immunohistochemical methods. The antigen presenting cells are known to display MHC-class II molecules on their cell surfaces that are recognized by OX6-monoclonal antibody. Many OX6 immunopositive cells were localized in the periodontal ligament of rat incisors and molars showing region-specific distributions under a physiological condition. In the incisor, the antigen presenting cells were shown throughout the lingual periodontal ligament, located preferentially in the bone-related zone and shear zone. In contrast to the distribution of immunopositive macrophages that showed very intense ACpase activity and round or oval profiles associated with sinusoidal blood vessels, immunopositive dendritic cells without significant ACPase activity were located throughout the tooth-related zone as well. In the periodontal ligament of rat molars that are undergoing physiological distal migration associated with alveolar bone resorption, the OX6 immunopositive dendritic cells and the immunonegative cells of the osteoclastic lineage showed a clear-cut segregated localization when viewed in the transverse sections of the molar tooth ligaments. Immunostaining with an ED1-monoclonal antibody that recognizes various subpopulations of monocyte system cells showed even spatial distribution of the cells of monocyte origin including osteoclastic cells, dendritic cells and macrophages in the periodontal ligament of rat molar. These data are the first to display the abundance and unique distribution of dendritic cells and macrophages expressing MHC-class II molecules in the periodontal ligament of rat. A possibility is suggested that the periodontal ligament of rat can be utilized as an exquisite model tissue whereby the origin and differentiation pathways of the antigen presenting cells of monocyte origin can be examined further in vivo., 学位の種類: 博士(歯学). 報告番号: 甲第1055号. 学位記番号: 新大院博(歯)甲第181号. 学位授与年月日: 平成7年3月23日, Histocheical and Immunohistochemical Demonstration of Mcrophages and Dendritic Cells in the Lingual Periodontal Ligament of Rat Incisors. Archives of histology and cytology. 1992, 55(2), 211-217., Segregated Localization of Immunocompetent Cells and Osteoclasts in the Periodontal Ligament of Rat Molar Tooth. Archives of histology and cytology. 1992, 58(3), 345-355., 新大院博(歯)甲第181号}, title = {Histochemical and Immunohistochemical Studies on the Immunocompetent Cells in the Periodontal Ligament of Rat Incisors and Molars}, year = {1995} }