@misc{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004411, author = {田辺, 直仁}, month = {Mar}, note = {死亡小票より得られた情報により、1984~86年に新潟県で死亡した15歳以上の全突然死、8519例の季節変動を検討した。突然死は原死因より24時間以内の死亡と定義した。突然死は有意に寒い時期に多発していた。疾患群別の検討では急性心筋梗塞 (AMI, 1446名) 他の心血管系疾患 (OCD, 4375名)、脳血管疾患 (CVA, 1725名) の循環器系疾患が寒い時期に多発していた、循環器系以外の疾患 (NCD, 973名) は有意な季節変動を示さなかった。循環器系疾患の季節変動を年齢層別に検討した結果、高年齢層 (61~75歳)、老年齢層 (76歳以上) では共通して寒い時期に多い季節変動を示したが、若中年齢層 (15~60歳) の季節変動パターンが疾患群別に異なっていた。若中年層のAMIの発症割合は最も寒い1月が最多で、7~8月にもピークを認め、寒さのみならず、暑さも発症に関与すると考えられた。若年層のOCDでは明らかな季節変動を認めず、CVAでは寒い時期に多く発生していた。以上の結果から、突然死の発生に影響を与える因子は、原疾患、年齢によって異なっていると考えられた。, Seasonal variation of sudden death (SD) was studied based on analysis of death certificates of all 8519 SD patients, aged 15 years or older who died during 1984 to 1986 in Niigata prefecture, Japan. SD was defined as death within 24 hours of onset of the underlying cause. SD showed a significantly high incidence during the cold season. When analyzed by underlying cause, the high incidence during cold season was shown for SD by circulatory disease such as acute myocardial infarction (AMI; n=1446), other cardiovascular disease (OCD; n=4375) and cerebrovascular accident (CVA; n=1725). However, no significant seasonal variation was observes for SD by non-circulatory diseases. By age group, the incidence of SD sue to circulatory disease was high during the cold season in the elderly (61 to 75 years) and the old age (76 years or older) groups, irrespective of kinds of the diseases, whereas the pattern varied by disease type in the young to middle age group (15 to 60 years). The highest incidence of SD due to AMI in the young to middle age group occurred in January with a second peak in July to August. Thus, not only low temperatures but high temperatures seemed to also contribute to the occurrence of SD by AMI in this age group. While SD due to OCD in this age group did not show a significant seasonal variation, that due to CVA showed a high incidence during cold season similar to the older age groups. These results suggest that factors affecting the occurrence of SD differed according to underlying cause and age of victims., 学位の種類: 博士(医学). 報告番号: 甲第896号. 学位記番号: 新大院博(医)甲第671号. 学位授与年月日: 平成5年3月22日, 日本公衆衛生雑誌. 1993, 40(3), 196-204., 新大院博(医)甲第671号}, title = {死亡小票からみた突然死の季節変動}, year = {1993} }