@misc{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004401, author = {遠藤, 和彦}, month = {Jan}, note = {食餌中の脂肪と繊維が腸内嫌気性菌に及ぼす影響と、大腸菌の発癌過程における経時的腸内嫌気性菌数の変動についてラットを用いて実験的に検討した。ラットは生後8週齢ウイスター系ラット40匹を使用し、I群: 高脂肪高繊維食、II群: 高脂肪無繊維食、III群: 無脂肪高繊維食、IV群: 無脂肪無繊維食を投与した。餌料投与開始5週後より各群を5匹づつDMH投与群 (Ia、IIa、IIIa、IVa) と対照群 (Ib、IIb、IIIb、IVb) に分け、餌料投与開始後4週目 (前期)、11週目 (中期)、24週目 (後期) の便中嫌気性菌の定量を行い、30週目に屠殺剖検し大腸腫瘍の検索を行い以下の結論を得た。繊維には糞便単位重量あたりの嫌気性菌数を減少させる作用が、脂肪には増加作用が認められた。DMH投与群は、IIIa 群以外では後期 (担癌状態) において腸内嫌気性菌数は対照群に比べ低値を示した。大腸発癌の過程において脂肪は initiation 効果を強めることで発癌に促進的に作用し、食物繊維は promotion 効果を弱めることで腫瘍発育に抑制的に作用すると考えられた。, This study was undertaken to examine the effect of fat and fibers contained in diets on intestinal flora and tumor induction in rats. A total of 40 male Wister rats were maintained with one of 4 different diets: Group 1 with high fat and high fiber diet, Group II high fat and fiberless diet, Group III with high fiber and fatless diet and Group IV with diet without fat and fiber. After feeding different diets for 5 weeks, these groups were further subdivided in accordance with the type of carcinogens. 1, 2-dimethyhydrazine (20 mg/kg/week) or EDTA, administered over 10 consecutive weeks. Anaerobic bacteria were evaluated at 4, 11 and 24 weeks after initiation of feeding the diets. All rats were killed and autopsied at 30 feeding weeks. The value of anaerobic bacteria was high in rats fed high fat diets and low in those fed high fiber diets. Compared with control group, anaerobic bacteria indicated a rather low value in cancer-bearing rats except for Group III. High fat diets were accompanied by a high risk for total tumor induction and diets without fat by a low risk, but Group IV without fat and fibers indicated an almost identical cancer volume with Group 1 fed high fat and high fiber diet. These results suggest that dietary fat increase anaerobic bacteria and promotes carcinogenesis, but, on the other hand, dietary fiber decrease anaerobic bacteria resulting in a suppressive effect on cancer growth in rats., 学位の種類: 博士(医学). 報告番号: 乙第1209号. 学位記番号: 新大博(医)乙第1126号. 学位授与年月日: 平成4年1月22日, 日本大腸肛門病学会雑誌. 1992, 45(2), 138-153., 新大博(医)乙第1126号}, title = {1,2-dimethylhydrazine誘発大腸癌ラットにおける食餌性因子の影響と発癌に伴う便中嫌気性菌数の経時的変動に関する研究}, year = {1992} }