@misc{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004400, author = {中野, 徳}, month = {Jan}, note = {Urinary albumin concentration (UAC) of single-void first morning urine (FMU) were measured by radioimmunoassay in 97 healthy school children and 25 children aged 6 to 18 years with steroid responsive idiopathic nephrotic syndrome (INS) in remission to determine a normal value of UAC in school children and to study whether UAC would predict the relapse of INS. Both<20μg/ml and<20 mg/g・Cr were determined as normal UAC values in healthy school children. No nephrotic patient in remission showed UAC more than 20mg/g・Cr until 3 days before the relapse. In conclusion, UAC of FMU cannot be a predicter of the relapse in INS, but steroid responsive idiopathic nephrotic syndrome (minimal change disease) should be suspected mostly when UAC shows less than 20mg/g・Cr in remission in patients suffered from nephrotic syndrome., First morning urine (FMU), out-patient urine (OPU) and 24-hours urine (24HU) were collected in thirty-two insulin dependent diabetic children without persistent micro-albuminuria aged 5 to 18 years, and urinary N-acetyl-β-D-glucosaminidase (NAG), β2-microglobulin (β2-MG) and urinary albumin concentration (UAC) were measured and studied the associations between NAG, β2-MG, UAC, urine glucose concentration (UG), age, diabetic duration and hemoglobin-A1c. NAG were elevated in 6 patients (21%) in FMU, 4 patients (13%) in OPU. β2-MG were elevated in 1 patient (3%) in FMU, 3 patients (9%) in OPU. UAC were elevated over 20μg/ml in 6 patients (21%) in FMU, 6 patients (19%) in OPU. Significantly positive correlations were observed between NAG and UAC in FMU, OPU and 24HU, between NAG and UG in 24HU, and between UAC/creatinine ratio in FMU and hemoglobin A1c. These data suggest that subclinical renal tubular injury could occur frequently and could disturb the reabsorption of UAC in diabetic children without overt nnephropathy, and also suggest that urine glucose could play a major role in the injury., 学位の種類: 博士(医学). 報告番号: 乙第1206号. 学位記番号: 新大博(医)乙第1123号. 学位授与年月日: 平成4年1月22日, 小児期微小変化型腎疾患に於ける尿中微量アルブミンの意義 第1報 小児特発性ネフローゼ症候群寛解期に於ける尿中微量アルブミンの動態. 新潟医学会雑誌. 1992, 106(4), 281-288., 小児期微小変化型腎疾患に於ける尿中微量アルブミンの意義 第2報 小児インスリン依存性糖尿病に於ける尿中微量アルブミンと尿細管性蛋白の相関. 新潟医学会雑誌. 1992, 106(4), 289-300., 新大博(医)乙第1123号}, title = {小児期微小変化型腎疾患に於ける尿中微量アルブミンの意義 : 第1報 小児特発性ネフローゼ症候群寛解期に於ける尿中微量アルブミンの動態 : 第2報 小児インスリン依存性糖尿病に於ける尿中微量アルブミンと尿細管性蛋白の相関}, year = {1992} }