@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004159, author = {石森, 崇晃 and Saravanan, Ayyakkannu and 眞田, 敏宏 and 城, 斗志夫 and 藤村, 忍 and 西海, 理之 and 今井, 明夫 and 藤井, 智幸 and 佐藤, 英行 and 小嶋, 洋朗 and 堀, 秀隆}, issue = {4}, journal = {廃棄物資源循環学会論文誌, 廃棄物資源循環学会論文誌}, month = {Jul}, note = {新潟県胎内市の家庭生ごみを150℃で40分間,または200℃で15分間蒸煮し飼料化を試みた。蒸煮後の生ごみは,粗蛋白質含量および粗脂肪含量が肥育ブタ用配合飼料に比べて高く,それぞれ18~23%および10~17%であった。一方,ペプシン消化率は低く,26~56%であった。蒸煮生ごみの有効性を評価するため,体重約70kgの肥育ブタ8頭を4頭ずつ試験群と対照群の2群に分け,給与試験を行った。試験群では,まず200℃で蒸煮した生ごみ (200℃生ごみ) を配合飼料に20%混合して29日間給与し,その後200℃生ごみの代わりに150℃で蒸煮した生ごみ (150℃生ごみ) を混合して体重が110±5kgに達するまで給与した。対照群には100%配合飼料のみを給与した。試験群の4頭中2頭は,試験期間を通じて対照群のブタと同等の日増体重を示した。他の2頭は,200℃生ごみ混合飼料を給与した期間に日増体重が低下したものの,その後回復し,対照群のブタに比べて29∼46日遅れて110±5kgに達した。, Food wastes from households were treated with steam at 150 °C for 40 minutes (150SFW) or at 200 °C for 150 minutes (200SFW), and the possibilities of developing the resulting materials into livestock feeds were researched. Both SFWs were shown to be composed about 20% of proteins and 20% of lipids, which are higher than the ratios of commercial diets for finishing pigs. On the other hand, pepsin digestibility of both SFWs was 26-56%, which was lower than that of a commercial diet. To estimate the applicability of SFWs as feed, eight pigs, each weighing approximately 70kg, were divided into test and control groups of four pigs each. In the test group, the pigs were fed diets that were 20% 200SFW for an initial 29 days and were subsequently fed diets that were 15% 150SFW until they reached 110±5kg. Pigs were fed diets without SFWs in the control group. The daily gains (DG) of two pigs in the test group were similar to those of pigs in the control group through the test period. The other two pigs in the test group had relatively lower DG when 200SFW was given, but ultimately reached 110±5kg 29-46 days later than pigs in the control group.}, pages = {253--266}, title = {高温・高圧蒸煮した家庭生ごみの成分組成および飼料母剤としての再利用}, volume = {22}, year = {2011} }