@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004129, author = {崎尾, 均}, issue = {1}, journal = {日本林學會誌, 日本林學會誌}, month = {Feb}, note = {渓畔林の再生・復元の手法を検討するために,人工林施業の行われている流域において渓畔林樹種の導入を試みた。1993年に秩父山地の冷温帯域の渓畔域において,治山ダム上流側の渓床にシオジ・オニグルミ・トチノキ3種の苗木植栽を行い,7年間の生残成長過程を追跡した。また,渓流の攪乱様式は,地盤高を指標として解析した。1993年に植栽した苗木の50%を超える個体が,台風の増水によって流失したが,7年後でも約15%の個体が比高の高い砂礫堆積地を中心に生残していた。治山ダム上流側の渓床では,土砂の浸食・堆積,流路変動,山腹崩壊などさまざまな種類,頻度,サイズの攪乱が生じた。渓流の撹乱と植栽苗木の生残率には,密接な関係があった。苗木の生残率は,上砂の洗掘量が少ない高位堆積地において高い値を示した。植栽した3種の中でトチノキが他の樹種より早い成長を示した。また,シオジは,3種の中で最も土砂の埋没に対して強い耐性をもっていた。これらの結果より,渓畔林の再生を植栽によって行う場合,苗木は渓流攪乱を受けることの少ない,渓流の中央部から離れた比高の高い砂礫堆積地に,本来の渓畔林の優占種を植裁することが重要であると考えられた.最後に,渓畔林再生手法の提案を行った。, For the purpose of rehabilitation of riparian forests in mountain regions, I have introduced riparian tree species into a riparian zone in an afforestation basin. I planted seedlings of Aesculus turbinata, Fraxinus platypoda and Juglans mandshurica var. sachalinensis on the gravel deposit of a check dam in the riparian zone of Chichibu Mountains region situated in a cool-temperate zone and, examined the survival and growth of the planted seedlings for seven years. The disturbance regime of the riparian zone was analyzed using the ground level as an index. Though over 50% of the planted seedlings were washed away by flood after a typhoon hit, about 15% of the planted seedlings remained on the higher terrace seven years after planting. Disturbances of gravel deposit of check dam vary in type (erosion, sedimentation, channel shift, landslide and so on), frequency and size. The survival of planted seedlings was closely related with the disturbance regime on a riparian zone. The survival ratio of planted seedlings was high on the higher terrace that had little erosion of gravel deposit. The growth rate of Aesculus turbinata was higher than that of the other species. Fraxinus platypoda had the highest tolerance to being buried in gravel deposit among the three species. As a result, it is important to plant the native riparian species seedlings on a higher terrace that is far away from the center of a stream and is rarely disturbed by flood. Finally, I have proposed a plan for the rehabilitation of riparian forest in a mountain region.}, pages = {26--32}, title = {治山ダム直上流渓流域の土砂移動に対する植栽木の生残・成長特性}, volume = {84}, year = {2002} }