@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003658, author = {高田, 佳之 and 中島, 民雄 and 山田, 好秋}, issue = {1}, journal = {日本顎口腔機能学会雑誌, 日本顎口腔機能学会雑誌}, month = {Jun}, note = {To evaluate muscle tonus, tonic vibration reflex (TVR) was studied in the masseter muscle. The experiment was performed on 16 male adult volunteers, 20-45 years old, without spontaneous pain and tenderness on masticatory muscles. The subjects were seated, the position of their heads was fixed and their mouths were kept open with a bite block. TVR was elicited by vibratory stimulation applied to the mandible (approximately 15 m/s^2, 160Hz). EMG was recorded bilaterally from the masseter muscles, and analyzed quantitatively using an arbitrary index (TVR index). Bite force was measured during clenching. Wide variations in the TVR index were observed among individuals: maximum: 22.7%, minimum: 0.9%, average: 7.7%. The mean index for 5 subjects with a clenching habit was significantly higher than one for 11 without the history of a clenching habit. Tolperizone HCl(100mg p.o.) was found to reduce the TVR response for 2 hrs. There was a negative correlation(r=0.504, p<0.005) between bite force and TVR index when their values on the right and left sides were compared. The tonic vibration reflex may be applicable for evaluation of the masseter muscle's condition., 咀嚼筋の緊張を評価する目的にて咬筋における緊張性振動反射(TVR)について筋電図学的に研究した.被験者は咀嚼筋に自発痛,圧痛を自覚しないボランティアの成人男性16名(20-45才)とし,座位にて頭部を固定し,バイトブロックを介して開口位にて実験を行った.振動刺激(約15m/s^2,160Hz)は,オトガイ正中に20秒間加えた.筋電図は咬筋より表面電極で双極性に誘導,記録し,任意に設定した値(TVR index)にて定量的に解析した.咬合力はDental Prescale 50Hを用いて最大噛みしめ時の咬合接触点の圧を計測した.16名の被験者のTVR indexは最大22.7%,最小0.9%,平均7.7%と個体差は大きく,このうちクレンチングの習慣のある被験者は無い被験者に比べ有意に高い値を示した.γ運動神経活動を抑制することが知られている塩酸トルペリゾン(100mg)の投与で,TVR indexは減少し,2時間後に最小となった.臼歯部の咬合接触点での圧とTVR indexの間には負の相関(r=-0.504,p<0.05)を認めた.TVRは咀嚼筋の機能の一つとして,その緊張を評価するのに有効であると考えられた.}, pages = {33--39}, title = {咀嚼筋における緊張性振動反射(TVR)の筋電図学的評価}, volume = {2}, year = {1995} }