@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003648, author = {井上, 誠 and 山田, 好秋}, issue = {1}, journal = {日本顎口腔機能学会雑誌, 日本顎口腔機能学会雑誌}, month = {Jan}, note = {To investigate the relationship among jaw movements, jaw, tongue, and hyoid muscle activities during chewing and swallowing, and clarify how physical characteristics of foods affect the coordination of these muscle activities, we recorded jaw movement trajectories and muscle activities in the freely behaving rabbit. The phase duration, gape and excursion sizes of jaw movements as well as the duration and peak values of electromyographic burst activities were obtained and compared among three foods(pellet, bread and banana). 1.Chewing cycles During chewing, the opening phase duration was most closely related to the total phase duration, suggesting that the opening phase controlled the masticatory cycle duration. The chewing cycles consisted of three phases(fast closing, slow closing, and opening phases)in pellet and bread chewing, however, only two phases(closing and opening phases)were observed in banana chewing. The muscles recorded can be divided into two groups ; one muscle group consists of a jaw-closing muscle[masseter muscle(Mass)]and a tongue retracting muscle[styloglossus muscle(SG)], and the other group consisted of a jaw-opening muscle[digastric muscle(Dig)], a suprahyoid muscle[mylohyoid muscle(MH)]and a tongue protrusive muscle[genioglossus muscle(GG)]. The former group appeared to be mainly activated in the jaw-closing phase and the latter in jaw-opening phase, and these patterns were similar among foods. The results suggest that the MH and SG muscles play a critical role in compressing the bolus between the tongue and palate, particularly in banana chewing. 2.Swallowing cycles The swallowing cycle was found to have longer cycle duration than that of the chewing cycle as if and extra phase(a pause)occurred in the opening phase. The swallowing cycle consisted of five phases(fast closing, slow closing, opening 1, opening 2, and opening 3 phases)in pellet and bread swallowing, however, only three phases(closing, slow opening and fast opening phases)in banana swallowing. Swallow-related activities that began in the middle of the jaw-closing phase were observed in the GG, MH and SG muscles. The MH and SG muscles were thought to participate in a leading complex activity of tongue movements during swallowing. The MH activity in pellet swallowing had a second peak during the jaw-opening phase, and this suggested that the MH muscle plays a critical role of pulling the laryngeal cartilage and creating a space at the esophagus for food passage. During swallowing the Dig muscle was active as with the Mass muscle in the jaw-closing phase, this may be due to co-activation of the antagonist(the Mass and Dig)muscles which might stabilize the jaw near the rest position. We concluded that the mechanism underlying the coordination of the jaw and tongue muscle movements might be maintained not only during chewing but also during swallowing and may be modulated depending on the physical characterstics of foods. Particularly in chewing soft foods like banana, the tongue could play a critical role in compressing and transporting the bolus against the palate during the bucco pharyngeal stage of swallowing and this could lead to modulation of jaw movements as well as muscle activities., 本研究は,自由行動下のウサギを用いて,硬さの大きく異なる飼料(ペレット,パン,バナナ)を咀嚼・嚥下する際の顎運動,顎筋,舌骨筋,舌筋活動を同時記録し,これらの中枢制御機構に関わる感覚情報の役割を検討することを目的とした.各飼料摂取時の咀嚼,嚥下の全周期時間,各相時間,顎開口量,顎側方移動量を求めた.さらに筋電図の解析に関しては,最大開口から各筋筋活動開始,停止およびピークまでの時間、ピーク値を求めて各飼料間で比較した. 1.咀嚼運動いずれの飼料咀嚼時においても,開口相時間と全周期時間の間には高い相関が認められ,開口相が全周期時間の決定に携わっていることが示された.しかしその顎運動は各飼料間で大きく異なり,ペレット,パン咀嚼は閉口2相,開口1相を含む3相を呈していたのに対して,最も軟らかい食品であるバナナ咀嚼では開口相,閉口相の2相のみが認められた.筋電図に関しては,閉口筋である咬筋,開口筋である顎二腹筋,主に閉口時に活動する舌牽引筋(茎突舌筋)と開口時に活動する顎舌骨筋,舌突出筋(オトガイ舌筋)の基本的な活動パターンは各飼料咀嚼とも同じであった.さらにバナナ咀嚼時には顎舌骨筋や茎突舌筋の働きにより飼料粉砕のために舌と口蓋との間の押しつぶしが大きく働いている事実を示唆する結果が得られた. 2.嚥下運動いずれの飼料の嚥下運動全周期時間とも開口相に一過性の顎運動停止期が挿入されたために咀嚼全周期時間に比べて延長した.ペレット,パンでは開口相にO1,O2,O3の3相が存在する5相の顎運動が認められ,咀嚼に対してO2相の入り込みを示唆する結果が得られたのに対して,バナナ嚥下では閉口相,O1,O2の3相を呈するのみであった.嚥下時の筋活動の特徴は,閉口相の中期で著明な活動を示すオトガイ舌筋および嚥下のleading complexと呼ばれる筋群(顎舌骨筋,茎突舌筋)の活動であった.ことにペレットの顎舌骨筋活動に関しては,開口相の終盤に2つ目のピークをもつ2峰性の活動が見られ,咽頭腔の拡大,喉頭の挙上に関する働きが考えられた.この様な2峰性の活動がパンやバナナには見られなかった.またいずれの飼料においても顎二腹筋が閉口相で小さい活動を開始しているのが観察され,嚥下の口腔咽頭相において顎をバランスのとれた状態に保つために活動していることが推察された. 今回の結果から,咀嚼時のみならず嚥下時にも顎舌協調運動は維持されており,バナナのような軟らかい飼料咀嚼時には中枢でのパターン形成機構が異なり,舌による飼料の押しつぶしと送り込みがより強く働き,顎運動も変調を受けることが示された.}, pages = {37--45}, title = {食品の物性の違いが顎舌協調運動に与える影響}, volume = {7}, year = {2001} }