@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003624, author = {Takahashi, Keiko and T., Kusano Atsuko}, issue = {8}, journal = {日本家政学会誌}, month = {Aug}, note = {Intergenerational contact, which includes not just exchanging greetings but also sharing the time/-space and creating something with neighbors, is very rarely observed these days. Local "currency" is now regarded with keen interest in some communities as a unique and useful tool for reengaging various generations. Such local "currency" is not legal money but just a tool for every generation to make contact with each other, mutually and voluntarily. Some of such currencies are Kurin (Hokkaido Pref.), Oumi (Shiga Pref.), Peanuts (Chiba Pref.), Dasuke (Niigata Pref.) and Dandan (Ehime Pref.). When a resident approves of these plans, he/she registers and provides his/her individual information to the secretariat by mail/telephone about what he/she can do or wishes do. Participants can offer and receive such services as a piece of farmland, helping with the care of elderly persons at home, or, say, teaching someone how to play the guitar. The coordinators then make a match based on each resident's needs, setting up meetings and exchanging services and records. In some cases, the local "currency" can be used along with legal money in a shopping mall (e. g., Oumi). We introduce some cases in which local "currencies" have been introduced in order to revitalize communities. We consider that such local "currency" has the possibility of reengaging and revitalizing the community., 同じ地域内に生活していても,単に挨拶をかわすだけではなく,時間・空間を共にするような世代間交流は今日あまり見られなくなっている.年齢や属性の異なる多世代が交流する世代間交流をはかる目的で,近年,注目されているものに「地域通貨」がある.地域通貨は法定通貨ではなく,若いものも年老いたものも互いに自発的に交流するための道具,である.例えば,クリン(北海道栗山町),おうみ(滋賀県近江),ピーナッツ(千葉),だすけ(新潟)やだんだん(愛媛県)などがある.その仕組み(方法)は,これらシステムに賛同した住民が,まず登録し,自分ができることや自分がしてほしいことを電話かファクシミリで事務局に届ける.農園を貸したり,在宅介護の手伝いをしたり,ギターの弾き方を教えたりするサービスを提供したり,受けたりすることができる.コーディネーターがそれぞれのニーズをもとにマッチングさせ,住民同士が関わりあう場を設け,サービスを交換し,記録する.地域の商店街で法定通貨とあわせて使うことができる地域もある(例えば,おうみ).われわれは,地域通貨というひとつの新しいツールを用いて地域の活性化を図ろうとしているいくつかの自治体の事例を紹介する.地域通貨は,地域を再構築したり,再び活性化ある地域にかえていく可能性を持つ,と考える.}, pages = {643--648}, title = {Local "Currency" : A Useful Tool for Reengaging and Revitalizing the Community}, volume = {54}, year = {2003} }