@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003511, author = {岡崎, 篤行 and 窪田, 亜矢}, issue = {2}, journal = {都市計画, 都市計画}, month = {Apr}, note = {To integrate considerations for cultural assets and townscape into urban planning, we should improve the current planning institutions. We can find some clues from the preservation system, including making a list and designating a historic district, which emphasizes on value of cultural assets. In addition to that, we should start a design review to discuss what a design should be at each site and conform each project to a master plan. To make those improvements effective, we should reduce the number of FAR and establish a permission system. A set of fair criterion with rationality through the due process will reform the current urban planning institutions.}, pages = {37--42}, title = {景観・文化財施策と都市計画との一体化に向けて}, volume = {57}, year = {2008} }