@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00034193, author = {趙, 蓉俊子}, journal = {現代社会文化研究, THE JOURNAL OF THE STUDY OF MODERN SOCIETY AND CULTURE}, month = {Nov}, note = {This paper provides a contrastive analysis of the benefactive and motion auxiliary verb constructions of Japanese and Chinese. The investigation shows the following differences in the syntactic and semantic features of the auxiliary verb constructions in both languages. Comparing the benefactive auxiliary verb constructions of the two languages, we point out the following syntactic difference: possible intervening elements, the possibility of omission of the giver NP, a constraint on the view point of the subject, concordance of the spatial orientation of V1 and V2, and the possibility of an omission of V2. Semantically, the two languages differ in whether the benefactive auxiliary verb constructions can also imply malfactive or self-benefactive meanings. Motion auxiliary verb constructions of Japanese and Chinese also exhibit distinction in the agreement of the subjects of the two component verbs, the aspect of the sentence, and the position of the subject. There is also a difference in the point of view of the sentence. The Japanese auxiliary verb ageru, 'to give', is more grammaticalized as a benefactive marker compared to the Chinese equivalent gei, 'to give'.}, pages = {101--118}, title = {日中語の授受補助動詞構文・移動補助動詞構文の対照研究 : 恩恵性を中心に}, volume = {71}, year = {2020} }