@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00033684, author = {椎谷, 彩加 and 佐藤, 俊栄 and 高橋, 史寿 and 韓, 東生 and 高橋, 能彦}, journal = {新潟大学農学部研究報告, Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture}, month = {Feb}, note = {2015~2016年の2カ年、新潟大学新通圃場で水稲コシヒカリの栽培試験を実施した。試験は有機入り全量基肥一括施肥用肥料(有元2号)の肥効パターンと同肥料に追肥を加えた場合の生育・収量および品質等に与える効果を確認することが目的である。両年とも高温登熟条件ではなかった。有元2号に配合されている被覆尿素と有機原料からの窒素溶出・無機化パターンは7月後半にピークとなりほぼ追肥(穂肥)時期に対応した。慣行区に比べて有元2号区は生育後半の葉色や窒素吸収量が低下し、減収する傾向となり、産米品質もその他未熟粒が多くなり千粒重も低下した。これに対して有元2号区に追肥を実施した有元2号追肥区は穂揃期以降の生育が改善され、慣行区と同等の収量性が確保できた。, In the 2 years from 2015-2016, we cultivated paddy rice cv. Koshihikari, at Shindori field, Niigata University. To objective of the experiment was to clarify the effect on growth, yield and quality of paddy rice when adding additionally topdressing to one shot basal dressing (Organic compounded one-shot basal fertilizer: OBF). Both years were not high temperature during ripening period. The nitrogen elution/mineralization pattern from coated urea and organic materials blended in OBF peaked in late July, corresponding to almost topdressing stage. Compared with the conventional treatment, the OBF treatment tended to decline with decreasing leaf color and nitrogen absorption in the latter half of the growing period, and there was also a lot of other immature grains in the production brown rice, and 1,000- gain weight were also reduced. On the other hand, OBF plus topdressing improved the growth after the full heading time, and it was possible to secure the same yielding ability as the conventional treatment.}, pages = {7--11}, title = {水稲用有機入り基肥一括肥料の肥効パターン}, volume = {72}, year = {2020} }