@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00033489, author = {于, 進 and 小林, 恵子 and 成田, 太一 and 八尾坂, 志保 and 目黒, 優子 and 小山, 諭}, issue = {1}, journal = {新潟大学保健学雑誌, 新潟大学保健学雑誌}, month = {May}, note = {中国都市部に居住する高齢者の主観的健康感と,健康習慣及びソーシャル・キャピタル(以下SCと略す)との関連を明らかにすることを目的とした。老人活動センターを利用する65歳以上の高齢者を対象に無記名自記式質問紙調査を実施し,207人から回答を得た。調査内容は基本属性,主観的健康感,生活満足度,健康習慣,SCであった。主観的健康感と健康習慣では,喫煙,運動,睡眠に有意差がみられた。主観的健康感とSCでは,「付き合い・交流指数」「信頼指数」「社会参加指数」のすべてにおいて「健康」群の平均値は有意に高かった。主観的健康感を従属変数とし,二項ロジスティック回帰分析を行った結果,健康習慣の「睡眠」とSCの「付き合い・交流指数」に有意な関連がみられた。高齢者の主観的健康感は客観的健康や生活満足度とも関連することから,適正な睡眠への支援や,社会参加および地域交流の促進が重要であることが示唆された。, Correlations among subjective health of elderly people living in urban areas of China, and their health habits, as well as social capital (SC), were investigated. An anonymous self-administered questionnaire was administered and 207 responses were collected. The questionnaire inquired basic attributes, subjective health, life satisfaction, Breslow's health habits, and SC. Results indicated significant differences in smoking, exercise, and sleep between subjective health and Breslow's health habits. Moreover, correlations between subjective health and SC indicated that the mean of the healthy group for association and interactions with people, trust, and social participation were significantly high. Binary logistic regression analysis was conducted with subjective health as a dependent variable, which indicated significant correlations between sleep as a health habit and association and interactions in SC. These results suggest that facilitating sufficient sleep, and social participation, as well as local interactions, are important for improving the subjective health of elderly people that related to objective health and life satisfaction.}, pages = {23--31}, title = {中国都市部における高齢者の主観的健康感と健康習慣,ソーシャル・キャピタルとの関連}, volume = {16}, year = {2019} }