@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00033488, author = {浅野, 暁俊 and 坂井, さゆり and 村松, 芳幸 and 関井, 愛紀子 and 近, 文香 and 金子, 奈未 and 佐野, 由衣 and 野口, 美貴 and 内山, 美枝子 and 菊永, 淳 and 小山, 諭 and 関, 奈緒}, issue = {1}, journal = {新潟大学保健学雑誌, 新潟大学保健学雑誌}, month = {May}, note = {一般病棟に勤務する新卒看護師の終末期がん患者の看取りケアに対する困難感尺度の原案作成を目的とした。対象は全国のがん診療連携拠点病院に勤務する卒後2年目看護師とした。質問票の内容は,死別経験,文献レビューをもとに作成した困難感尺度55項目(5件法),看取りケアに対する困難感のVisual Analogue Scale (VAS)とした。因子分析の結果,1.患者の死に対する恐怖・不安,2.患者とのコミュニケーションの難しさ,3.看取りケアに対する後悔,4.最期の時を話題にすることへの戸惑い,5.亡くなる間際のケアの悲しさ,6.看取りケアに関する能力の不足感の6因子21項目が採用された。採用された6因子は,患者の死に対して恐怖や不安を抱くという,新卒看護師の特徴的な困難感を表していた。今後は,尺度の信頼性・妥当性のさらなる検討および質問項目の修正・洗練を行い,新卒看護師の教育に活用できる尺度開発を行う。, Purpose: To Search for factors of difficulties faced by new graduated nurses working in End-of-Life-Care. Methods: We distributed self-report questionnaires to nurses with 2years of professional experience who were working in cancer cooperation hospitals. The questionnaire is included bereavements, 55 items based on literature review regarding the difficulties faced by new graduated nurses in End-of-Life-Care, Visual Analogue Scale. Result: Explanatory factor analysis revealed six domains comprising 21 items for extraction, which included fear and anxiety over a patient's death, difficulty in communicating with patients, regret of joining End-of-Life-Care, confusion created by patient's deathbed scenario, sadness related to terminal care, and to feel the lack of ability to provide End-of-Life-Care. Conclusion: Six domains express the characteristic difficulty faced by newly graduated nurses in End-of-Life-Care, fear and anxiety by patient's death. There is a need to discuss about the scale's reliability and validity in further detail. However, the current study was helpful in gauging the concepts of negative emotions in new graduated nurses. We plan to study about the scale's reliability and validity, and develop an effective measurement scale to help educate newly graduates nurses.}, pages = {11--21}, title = {一般病棟に勤務する新卒看護師の終末期がん患者の看取りケアに対する困難感尺度の開発に向けた因子探索的研究}, volume = {16}, year = {2019} }