@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00033477, author = {石塚, 千賀子 and 木村, 裕斗 and 松井, 克浩}, journal = {新潟大学高等教育研究, 新潟大学高等教育研究}, month = {Mar}, note = {本論は,NIIGATA COC+事業の教育プログラム開発の一環で開講した「地域志向科目」の科目設計と評価について論じたものである.地域志向科目は,新潟県が抱える若年層の就労人口の減少の問題解決を探る第一歩として,「新潟創生人材」の育成を目指し,新潟県及び県内市町村の魅力を伝える科目である.科目の実施にあたり,地域の特色を知ることのみに主眼を置いた設計では不十分であり,目標とする人材像の育成に向けて,地域に対する深い理解と内省を促すための科目の設計が求められる.科目は事前調査,講義,グループ・ワークに加え,パフォーマンス課題として自治体に向けたグループ・プレゼンテーションで構成された.本論では,ルーブリックに基づく学生の自己評価を中心に科目の効果を検証した.学生の学修成果の検証からは,知識の習得に留まらず,深い内省と理解へつながっていたことが明示され,科目設計の効果を確認することができた., The present study used a rubric to evaluate the results of a new course designed to help students acquire a deeper understanding of their regional area, as well as professional skill sets which could be used in assisting the development of Niigata Prefecture. This course was established as part of a larger educational program at Niigata University designed to promote greater regional awareness in university students. The practical goal of this program is to reduce the number of Niigata residents (especially young adults) leaving their local areas to work in larger cities, by increasing their awareness of the advantages available to them in Niigata. The course required that the students first collect information about their local areas, after which they were encouraged to think more deeply about local problems during classroom lectures and group work. They were then evaluated on performance tasks consisting of group presentations about solutions to actual problems facing local area councils. Evaluation of these presentations revealed that most students had not only acquired knowledge about the problems at hand but had also deeply reflected on them and come to a personal understanding of them, thereby demonstrating the effectiveness of the course.}, pages = {13--21}, title = {地域に対する深い理解と内省を促す科目の設計と評価}, volume = {6}, year = {2019} }