@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003223, author = {Yamashita, Satoshi and Shuto, Kenji and Kakihara, Yasuyuki and Kagami, Hiroo}, issue = {9}, journal = {地質学雑誌, The Journal of the Geological Society of Japan}, month = {Sep}, note = {The late Miocene Engaru volcanic field in northeastern Hokkaido contains basalts, Temeoka basalt (TM) and Chiyoda-Kakurezawa basalt (CK), and rhyolite, Wakamatsu rhyolite (WK), with subordinate amouints of andesite, Sakaeno andesite (SK), which erupted during 7-9Ma. Both the TM and CK basalts have geochemical characteristics similar to those of back-arc basin basalt (BABB). Based on differences in major and trace element abundances and the initial values of Sr and Nd isotopic ratios (SrI and NdI), the CK basalt, SK andesite and WK rhyolite can be divided into two types (I and II), respectively. The SK type I andesite and WK type I rhyolite are of calc-alkaline series, whereas the SK type II andesite (including icelandite-Iike andesite) and WK type II rhyolite are of tholeiitic series. The WK type I rhyolite has remarkably high SrI and low NdI values compared with other volcanic rocks from the study area. The similarity in SrI of the rhyolite to S-type granitoids and politic-psammitic rocks of the Hidaka belt suggests the crustal origin of the rhyolite. The combined major- and traceelement and Sr- and Nd- isotopic data indicate that the main generation process of the SK type I andesite was the mixing of basaltic magma (the CK type I basalt) with some felsic magmas. The felsic magmas are the WK type I rhyolite magma and rhyolitic magmas having higher Sr and Nd contents, and higher SrI and lower NdI values than the WK type I rhyolite. On the other hand, the SK type II andesite and WK type II rhyolite may have been derived from the CK type II basaltic magma by fractional crystallization accompanied by a minor degree of assimilation of crustal materials. The genetic relationship of these coeval basalts, andesite and rhyolite can be attributed to spreading of the Kurile basin, BABB magma which is a partial melt in a hot asthenosphere uprising below the island arc during the basin spreading, could have heated the crust to generate calc-alkaline rhyolitic magma. Andesitic rocks were derived both by mixing of BABB magma with the crust-derived rhyolitic magma and by fractional crystallization of BABB magma., 北部北海道オホーツク海側の遠軽地域には、7-9Maの火山活動によって形成された大量の玄武岩(留岡(TM)玄武岩、千代田-隠沢(CK)玄武岩)と流紋岩(若松(WK) 流紋岩)および少量の安山岩(栄野(SK)安山岩)を産する。玄武岩類はBABBに似た地球化学的特徴をもつ、TM玄武岩以外の火山岩は主要・微量元素組成の特徴から2つのタイプに区分される。高いSrIと低いNdIをもつWK-I流紋岩は、地殻物質の部分溶融によって、SK-I安山岩は、CK-I玄武岩質マグマとWK-I流紋岩質マグマを含む複数の流紋岩質マグマとの混合によって形成された可能性がある。一方、SK-II安山岩とWK-II流紋岩は、CK-II玄武岩質マグマからの結晶分化作用によって形成された。千島海盆の拡大に伴って上昇したアセノスフェアから生じた玄武岩質マグマの添加により、地殻が部分溶融して流紋岩質マグマが生成され、さらに両マグマの混合によって安山岩が形成されたことを議論した。}, pages = {625--642}, title = {Coeval volcanism due to interaction of back-arc basin basalt (BABB) magma with the island-arc crust in the late Miocene Engaru volcanic field, northeastern Hokkaido, Japan : The evidence of Sr and Nd isotopic ratios combined with major- and trace-element compositions}, volume = {105}, year = {1999} }