@inproceedings{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00031905, author = {石橋, 達弥 and 中鉢, 幸男 and 大木, 基史 and 藤塚, 将行 and 天野, 裕久 and 高田, 昌司}, book = {米沢地方講演会講演論文集, 米沢地方講演会講演論文集}, month = {}, note = {In this paper, it is described about the method for an evaluation of material characteristics in submicron scale, by using ultramicro hardness tester with triangular pyramidal indenter, which can investigate for extremely small and shallow area of material properties. The indentation tests for three materials (aluminum alloy, phosphor bronze, stainless steel) are carried out,obtained loading and unloading curve, respectively. From unloading curve, exponential index and finish point of each curve are derived. As a result, it turns out that the exponential index of unloading curve was 1.5, although with different materials. Consequently, calculated Young's moduli using exponential index are approximately consistent with measured Young's modulus.}, pages = {73--74}, publisher = {日本機械学会東北支部}, title = {超微小硬さ試験を利用した材料特性評価法(三角錐圧子による除荷曲線部の形状指数と除荷終了点)}, volume = {991-2}, year = {1999} }