@inproceedings{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00031879, author = {長谷, 佑子 and 岡崎, 篤行}, book = {日本建築学会北陸支部研究報告集, 日本建築学会北陸支部研究報告集}, month = {Jul}, note = {Now it attracts attention that adaptive use of a non-for-profit historic building became do by inhabitants. The purpose of this study is to systematize public adaptive use of a historic building by inhabitants, and to clear the problem. Public adaptive use by inhabitants is classified in a specific use type, an always public type, an event exhibition type, and it became clear that a fond always became a problem in an activity process. In addition, there are not group connections, support relation between examples, and it is thought that construction of a network is necessary to make it stable activity.}, pages = {447--450}, publisher = {日本建築学会}, title = {住民による歴史的建造物の公開活用の実態と課題 : 新潟県内の事例を対象として}, volume = {48}, year = {2005} }