@inproceedings{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00031271, author = {宮田, 春夫}, book = {大学教育における海外体験学習研究会大会, 大学教育における海外体験学習研究会大会}, month = {Oct}, note = {教養科目として、開発途上国の環境と開発的問題を現地で考えさせる授業を行った。現地訪問は2005年9月16-29日の2週間で、主たる訪問国はマダガスカルである。同国では、2日間を政府機関、政府間機関等の訪問、4日間を農村におけるUNDP及びJICAブ口ジェクトの訪問他に充てた。帰路にバンコクに立ち寄り、後発途上国のマダガスカルとの違い等を見せる機会を作った。今後、事後の授業、学生のペーパーの提出、成績評価、学生地による授業の評価等が行われる予定である。授業の経費は、パイロット授業として、調査研究費を充てた。, As a General Education subject,the class was aimed at exposing students to the reality of the issue of the environment and development in a developing country on site. The visit to the site took place from 16 to 29 September 2005 in Madagascar. Two days were spent for visits to governmental and intergovernmental organizations,and four days for visits to JICA and UNDP projects as well as a few other places in rural areas. On the way back to Japan,a two-day stop in Bangkok helped the students compare Least Developed Country Madagascar and more advanced Thailand. Two post-visits classes,submission of papers from students, assessment of their achievements,evaluation of the class by the students and others are yet to be done. As a pilot class,the costs were covered from a research budget,not the education budget.}, pages = {106--115}, publisher = {大学教育における海外体験学習研究会}, title = {新潟大学教養科目「開発途上国の環境と開発 : 事例研究」の事例}, volume = {2}, year = {2005} }