@inproceedings{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00030903, author = {Cui, Yi and Yamada, Hiroyoshi and Yamaguchi, Yoshio}, book = {International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation}, issue = {TA-1(D)-3}, month = {Oct}, note = {This paper investigates the parameter estimation of compound Wishart distribution for statistical modeling of polarimetric synthetic aperture radar data. We show that the recently proposed method of matrix log-cumulant may lead to non-invertible equations and cause unstable performances. In order to overcome such difficulty, we proposed a Bayesian-based method to re-estimate the log-cumulants. Simulation experiment demonstrates that the proposed algorithm provides both improved and stabler results. Finally, we present an application of the new method for texture analysis of the Germany F-SAR polarimetric data.}, publisher = {The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers}, title = {Stable Parameter Estimation of Compound Wishart Distribution for Polarimetric SAR Data Modeling}, volume = {2013}, year = {2013} }