@inproceedings{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00030894, author = {Yamada, H. and Yamaguchi, Y. and Boerner, W. -M.}, book = {IGARSS '03. Proceedings. 2003 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2003., IGARSS '03. Proceedings. 2003 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2003.}, month = {}, note = {This paper present a new forest height feature extraction technique for single baseline polarimetric and interferometric SAR data. The authors have proposed polarimetric SAR interferometry based on the ESPRIT algorithm. However, the algorithm assumes that there exist dominant polarized components in both the ground and canopy. Hence, estimated interferometric phase of local scattering centers may be slightly biased when forest components are highly depolarized. In this report, we examine effect of depolarized components of forest in ESPRIT-based polarimetric SAR interferometry. Numerical examples show that the effective scenario for the algorithm. Also, we present an alternative derivation o f t he E SPRI T-type a lgorithm w hich h elps u s understand how the ESPRIT algorithm works for depolarized components. Experimental results by using E-SAR data are also provided to show the performance of the ESPRIT estimation.}, pages = {1426--1428}, publisher = {IEEE}, title = {Forest height feature extraction in polarimetric SAR interferometry by using rotational invariance property}, volume = {3}, year = {2003} }