@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002984, author = {富沢, 美惠子 and 河野, 美砂子 and 野田, 忠 and 福島, 祥紘}, issue = {3}, journal = {小児歯科学雑誌, 小児歯科学雑誌}, month = {Jun}, note = {新潟大学歯学部附属病院小児歯科外来において昭和54年9月から平成6年1月までの14年4カ月の間に経験した12例の小児の顎骨囊胞について臨床病理学的観察を行った。患児の性別は男児7例女児5例で,年齢は5歳7カ月から13歳4カ月までで,10歳未満6例,10歳以上6例であった。囊胞発見のきっかけは,顔面の腫脹5例,口腔内歯肉の腫脹3例,X線写真で偶然発見されたもの4例で,疼痛を訴えたものはなかった。部位は,上顎2例下顎10例で,上顎は側切歯・犬歯部,下顎は全例小臼歯部であった。上顎の2例は,上顎前歯の外傷の既往があり,病理組織診断は,原始性囊胞の疑いであった。下顎の10症例の囊胞は,パノラマX線写真上15~42mmの近遠心径があり,全例囊胞上に,何らかの歯内療法を受けた乳歯が存在した。X線写真所見から,永久歯の歯冠を内腔に有するタイプと歯の側方に囊胞が接するタイプに分類し病理組織学的に考察した。病理診断は,1例が原始性囊胞,9例が含歯性囊胞であった。治療は,上顎の1例に囊胞摘出一次閉鎖術を行ったが,11例では開窓療法を行い,囊胞内の永久歯は全例保存した。後継永久歯には,2例に歯根形成の異常が認められたが,エナメル質形成不全は認められなかった。, Twelve cases of jaw cysts in children were treated at the Pedodontic Clinic of Niigata University Dental Hospital during a period of 14 years and 4 months from September 1989 to January 1994. We investigated these cases clincohistopathologically. The results were as follows: 1. The patients consisted of 7 males and 5 females. The age of the patients ranged from 5 years an+G19d 7 months to 13 years and 4 months. Six cases were under 10 years old. 2. Five patients came with swelling of the face and three with gingival swelling as their chief complaints and other four cases came without any subjective symptoms, the lesions being discovered by X-ray examination. 3. In two cases occurrence was in the maxilla and in ten in the mandible. Both of the maxillar cases were located between the right lateral incisor and canine. All of the mandibular cases were located in the premolar region. 4. Two cases of the maxilla had injuries in the maxillar incisor region. 5. The size of the mandibular cysts ranged from 15 to 42 mm mesiodistally on panoramic X-ray film. 6. In the mandibular cysts, there were two types of X-ray findings. One was the type which enveloped developing unerupted permanent teeth and the other was a cyst existing laterally to the unerupted permanent tooth. All cases were related to diciduous molars which had received pulp therapy. 7. Treatmentt were extirpation in one case and marsupialization in eleven. All impacted permanent premolars were conserved. 8. Histopathological diagnoses indicated primordial cysts in three cases and dentigerous cysts in nine.}, pages = {643--652}, title = {小児の顎骨嚢胞12例についての臨床病理学的観察}, volume = {32}, year = {1994} }