@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002974, author = {福島, 伸一 and 野口, 真紀子 and 田口, 洋 and 野田, 忠}, issue = {3}, journal = {小児歯科学雑誌, 小児歯科学雑誌}, month = {Jun}, note = {知的障害者の歯科診療への適応状態を,長期間に渡って良好に維持することは,障害者の口腔内の長期的な管理を行う上で重要である。著者らは,知的障害者の歯科診療への適応状態について,その長期的な変化を調べる目的で,新潟県知的障害者総合援護施設「コロニーにいがた白岩の呈」に入所している,最重度の知的障害者16名を対象に,歯科診療時の5つの状況において,行動評価を行った。その結果を,20年前に同様の基準で行った,初回調査の治療開始時から治療終了時までの歯科診療時の行動評価の結果と比較し,年代間での適応状態の比較および各個人の適応状態の経年変化を調べ,次のような結論を得た。 1. 年数を経るに従い,「適応あり」と評価された者が,全ての状況で増加しており,特に本調査時で有意に増加した。また,経年的適応群(経年的に評価が良くなった群と,「適応あり」の評価のまま推移した群)は,全ての状況で増加していた。長期間の定期診査によって歯科診療に慣れてきたことと,増齢によって心身ともに落ち着いてきたことが,その理由として考えられた。 2. 各々の状況で適応性の経年変化が異なっていた。治療台に寝て歯科治療を受けている間は,短期間で適応性が良くなりやすい状況であり,入り口から治療台までの間は,最も適応性が良くなりにくい状況であった。, It is important to habituate mentally handicapped persons to dental treatment in order to maintain good oral hygiene over the long term. The purpose of this study was to examine long-term changes of adaptability to dental treatment in such persons. The subjects were 16 profoundly mental retarded persons who had been residents for more than 20 years at "Colony Niigata Shiroiwa-no-Sato", a training institute for mentally handicapped persons in Niigata prefecture, Japan. One dentist evaluated their behavioral reactions subjectively to a routine dental treatment, divided into five situations, from being brought from the waiting space to leaving the treatment room, and classified their reactions into three ranks, as being "adaptable", "medium" and "inadaptable". We compared the current results with previous results that were gathered twice by the same procedure at the start of the initial treatment and at the end of the treatment before 20 years. The results were as follows : 1. In all of the five situations, the number of subjects who were evaluated as "adaptable" increased significantly in the current results, compared to the start of the initial treatment before 20years. The size of the long-term adaptable group (the group with acquired adaptability and the group that maintained adaptability) also increased. We considered that their adaptability was associated with acclimatization to dental treatment through their experience of repeated periodical examinations and with increased calmness in mind and behavior as they aged. 2. Long-term changes were different in each situation. During the dental treatment itself, adaptability showed remarkable improvement in a short time between the start of the initial treatment and the end of the treatment before 20 years. On the other hand, in the situation just before the treatment (from the entrance to the dental chair), adaptability showed less improvement.}, pages = {453--459}, title = {知的障害者の歯科診療に対する適応性の長期的変化}, volume = {47}, year = {2009} }