@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002935, author = {金谷, 貢}, issue = {3}, journal = {歯科材料・器械, 歯科材料・器械}, month = {May}, note = {窒化物の金銀パラジウム合金に対するワックスパターンコーティング材としての, 大気中での可能性を調べた.使用した窒化物はh-BN, AlNおよびSi_3N_4である.窒化物コーティング材をワックスパターンに塗布した後, 石膏系埋没材を水で練和し外埋没を行った.鋳型の温度は700℃で, 熱源はブローパイプとした.遠心鋳造機により, 金銀パラジウム合金(45Ag-20Pd-18Cu-12Au;液相点:930℃)を鋳込んで板状試料(厚さ0.55mm)を製作した.製作した鋳造体を肉眼, 電子顕微鏡, 表面粗さ測定器, X線ディフラクトメーターおよびマイクロビッカース硬さ計により調べた.結論を以下に示す.BNは良好な離型効果を有しており, これは清掃性および作業性の改善を示唆するものである.BNのコーティング層は鋳造試料表面におけるCuOの生成を著しく抑制し, Cu_2Oのみが認められた.BNを使用した鋳造体表面は赤色を呈しており, この色はCu_2Oの色と一致する.BNにより試料の表面粗さ(Rz)は対照試料に比べて2/3以下に小さくなった.BNによる鋳造体表層の硬さ低下の抑制が示唆された.窒化物の使用による鋳造体素地の硬さへの影響はみられなかった., The feasibility of using various nitrides as wax pattern coating material for an Ag-Pd-Cu-Au alloy was studied. Nitrides used in this experiment were h-BN, AlN and Si_3N_4.Wax patterns were painted with the nitride coating materials, and were then outer-invested with a mixture of gypsum-bonded investment and water. The temperature of the mold was 700℃, and the heat source was a blow pipe. Thin specimens(thickness:0.55mm)were cast in the 45Ag-20Pd-18Cu-12Au alloy(melting point:930℃)using a centrifugal casting machine. The cast specimens were investigated macroscopically and by scanning electron microscope, surface-roughness analyzer, X-ray diffractometer and micro-vickers hardness meter. The results were summarized as follows.BN showed the benefit of separation that indicated improved cleansability and work efficiency. The BN coating layer remarkably inhibited the formation of CuO on the cast surface, only Cu_2O was detected. The color of the cast surface coated with BN was rusty red, which agreed with the color of Cu_2O.The surface-roughness(Rz)of the cast specimens decreased to less than 2/3 of the control with the use of BN. It was suggested that BN restrained the decrease in hardness of the surface layer. Nitrides did not influence interior hardness of the cast specimens.}, pages = {193--205}, title = {金銀パラジウム合金の大気鋳造への窒化物セラミックスの応用}, volume = {13}, year = {1994} }