@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002929, author = {大川, 成剛 and 渡辺, 孝一 and 金谷, 貢 and 中野, 周二 and 宮川, 修}, issue = {1}, journal = {歯科材料・器械, 歯科材料・器械}, month = {Jan}, note = {一室加圧型のチタン鋳造機を用いて, 鋳造時の鋳造室と鋳造空洞の圧力挙動を検討した.鋳型と鋳型空洞との関係を模した装置を鋳造室の扉に取り付け, 鋳造室内の圧力挙動と鋳型を通して, 鋳型空洞に侵入するガスの圧力挙動を圧力センサーにより測定した.その結果, 鋳造室内の圧力上昇は, 圧力の立ち上がりから約0.2sで設定鋳造圧の約半分まで急速に上昇した. 鋳型空洞の圧力上昇および鋳造室と鋳型空洞との圧力差は, 設定鋳造圧はもちろん, 埋没材の通気度に大きく左右された.また, 圧力上昇が速い鋳型の場合, チタン溶湯が鋳型空洞を満たす前に, 多量のアルゴンガスが鋳型空洞に侵入する.このため, 鋳込み不良や, ガスの巻き込みによる内部欠陥が生じやすい.したがって, 一室加圧型鋳造では, 通気度の小さい埋没材を使用することが望ましい., This study evaluated the pressure behavior of both the casting chamber and the cavity in the mold using an enclosed one-chamber casting unit. An experimental device with a pressure sensor modeled on the casting system was attached to the casting unit. The chamber pressure rose rapidly and reached half of the preset casting pressure within 0.2s after introducing argon gas into the chamber. Both the preset casting pressure and the gas permeability in the mold strongly influenced the differential pressure between the chamber and the cavity. When a mold with a high level of rising pressure in the cavity, i.e.a mold with higher gas permeability, was used, a large quantity of argon gas penetrated the cavity through the mold wall before the cavity was filled by the molten metal. For this reason, it was thought that some casting defects, such as incomplete casting or gas inclusion, often occur. This study showed that it is desirable to use a mold with lower gas permeability in an enclosed one-chamber casting unit.}, pages = {108--114}, title = {鋳造時の鋳型空洞の圧力挙動 : 一室加圧型鋳造機の場合}, volume = {19}, year = {2000} }