@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002865, author = {後藤, 康志}, issue = {2}, journal = {教育メディア研究, 教育メディア研究}, month = {Jun}, note = {メディアリテラシー育成の重要性は高まりつつあるが, その実践に先立つ学習者のメディアリテラシーの状況を把握する尺度は整備されているとは言えない。そこでメディアリテラシーの実践に向けての基礎的知見の提供を目指して,近年普及の著しいWeb情報に焦点化した「批判的な見方(以下CVS)」尺度を作成した。作成した尺度はCVSを傾向性と技能に分け, それぞれ評定尺度法と自由記述法で測定するもので,大学生並びに現職教師163名を対象とした調査の結果, ①CVS傾向性尺度は, 項目-全体得点相関, GP分析, 信頼性係数から高い信頼性を持つこと, ②CVS技能尺度について, Web情報の信頼性を確認するために必要な情報を具体的かつ広範に記述できる被験者は, CVS傾向性も高く, CVSの傾向性と技能は高い連関を有することが示唆された。, With the spread of Information Technology, the importance of media education is increasing. Above all, Critical Viewing Skills, referred to as CVS, is an important factor. Especially, there are few studies concerning CVS with regards to the Internet and web browsing. The author focused on the ability of CVS web while browsing, and constructed a scale of CVS as basic knowledge of media education. The author divided CVS into two parts, ‘disposition' and ‘ability'. To assess CVS, the author used a qualitative approach as well as a quantitative approach. As a result of this, the following 2 points were found: 1 ) As a result of the reliability coefficient, GP analysis and Item total correlation, the reliability of the CVS scale on disposition seems to be high. 2 ) As a result of the qualitative analysis of the CVS scale on ability, there is a clear relationship between disposition and ability. The subjects in the high disposition group can point out how to identify the reliability of information on the web. To summarize, the reliability and validity of the CVS scale we constructed seems to be confirmed.}, pages = {39--46}, title = {学習者のWeb情報に対する「批判的な見方」尺度の作成(特集 メディア・リテラシー教育の現状と課題)}, volume = {11}, year = {2005} }