@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00028572, author = {堀, 由美子 and 齋藤, 君枝}, issue = {1}, journal = {新潟大学保健学雑誌, 新潟大学保健学雑誌}, month = {Mar}, note = {本研究の目的は,家族介護者が行う要介護者の健康管理において,健康状態の変調に対応する判断困難性とそれに影響する医療専門職支援を明らかにし,支援の在り方を検討することである.家族介護者8名と半構成的面接を行い,その遂語録を質的に分析した.結果,判断困難性は『病状の曖昧さと経験量』『健康管理に関する方向性のあり方』『受診行動の取りにくさ』『健康管理に伴う判断困難性の心理的側面』で表された.また,それらに対する医療専門職支援の影響は【自宅での医療の受けやすさ】【家族の思いに沿った療養方針の立てやすさ】【判断に関する気持ちの支え】などであった.健康管理に伴う家族介護者のストレスは,判断困難性を低めることにより軽減できると考えられた.医療専門職支援では,診察を受けることを容易にし,家族の思いに沿って健康管理に関する方向性を示し,判断に関する気持ちを支えることが重要であると示唆された., The purposes of this study were to clarify how difficult it is for family caregivers to make judgments when they respond to changes in the patient’s health conditions, identify specialized medical support to reduce such difficulty, and examine how to provide such support. We conducted semi-structured interviews with 8 family caregivers, and performed qualitative analysis of the verbatim transcripts. As a result, difficulty in making judgments was represented by the following factors: “ambiguous symptoms and the amount of experience”, “suggestion of health management”, “difficulty in promoting the patient’s willingness to undergo medical consultation”, and “psychological aspects of difficulty in making judgments about the patient’s health management”. Also, specialized medical support that reduces such difficulty included the following factors: “ease of receiving medical care at home”, “ease of developing treatment strategies according to the families’ request”, and “mental help to make judgments”. It was considered that family caregivers’ stress associated with health management can be relieved by reducing the difficulty in making judgments from the aspects of these factors. These results suggest that it is important to promote patients’ willingness to undergo medical consultation, suggest the way of health management to families according to their requests, and help them mentally to make judgments.}, pages = {7--15}, title = {健康管理に伴う家族介護者の判断困難性と医療職支援}, volume = {11}, year = {2014} }