@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00028515, author = {福山, 利範 and 佐藤, 新吾}, issue = {2}, journal = {新潟大学農学部研究報告, 新潟大学農学部研究報告}, month = {Dec}, note = {オオムギ未熟胚からのカルス形成能および再分化能の品種問差異を,とくに種子令に着目して調査した。供試品種は世界各地産の栽培オオムギで, 1990年は11, 91年は23品種である。開花後, 12, 14, 16および18日目の未熟胚を培養したところ, 16, 18日目の胚からは,ほとんどの品種でカルスが誘導された。一方, 12および14日目の胚からのカルス形成率には, 0 -100%の著しい品種間差異が認められた。品種と種子令との交互作用は統計的に有意であり,この時期の未熟胚ではカルス形成能が大きく変化し,その程度が品種によって異なることが確認された。再分化能についても, 0 -17.2%の品種間差異が見られ, 種子令の若い胚に由来したカルスで再分化能が高かった。カルス形成能, 再分化能ともに品種の他に,種子令の影響の大きいことが確認され,これらと胚の内部組成, とくに植物ホルモンとの関連が議論された。, The ability of callus formation and plant regeneration in immature barley embryos with different seed ages was investigated. In 1990 and 1991, 11 and 23 cultivars with different origins were used for the callus induction, respectively (Tab. 1). The immature embryos were sampled 12, 14, 16 and 18 days after anthesis, and cultured on MS-nledium supplemented with sucrose (20g/1), agar (8.5g/1) and 2, 4-D (2mg/1) and adjusted to pH 5.7. Twenty days after incubation under dark and 25±1℃ condition, the rate of callus formation was recorded. Almost all of the embryos with seed age of 16 or 18 days induced calli, while those of 12- or 14- seed age showed quite different rates of callus formation among the cultivars; ranging from 0% to 82.2% in 12-day old embryos, alld from 53.6% to 100% in 14-day old embryos in 1990 (Tab. 2). The variation of calli induction was little in 12-day old embryos in 1991, but was marked in those with seed age of 14 days (3.3% to 92.6%) (Tab. 2). According to the analysis of variance, the differences in callus formation were significant among cultivars and seed ages (Tab. 3). It should be noted here that the interaction between cultivars and seed ages was significant both in 1990 and 1991. This implies that the rates of increase of callus induction differed among the genotypes in the period from 12 to 14 days after anthesis. The calli obtained were placed onto the illedium excluded 2, 4-D, and cultured under 14 hours day-length at 25±1℃ for the plant regeneration. After incubation for 56 days, the rate of regeneration was studied. Calli derived from the younger embryos resulted in the higher rate of regeneration; 4.0, 2.4 and 1.6/6 were observed in embryos with 14, 16 and 18 days of seed age, respectively. The difference among the cultivars was remarkable in regeneration, railging from ll.9% to 0%. It was concluded that the ability of callus formation and regeneration was affected by not only the genotype but also the seed age of the embryo, and finally discussed on the relation of phytohormones to callus formation and regeneration.}, pages = {103--110}, title = {異なる種子令のオオムギ未熟胚におけるカルス形成能および再分化能の比較}, volume = {49}, year = {1997} }