@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00028514, author = {伊藤, 忠雄 and 佐藤, 康行}, issue = {1}, journal = {新潟大学農学部研究報告, 新潟大学農学部研究報告}, month = {Dec}, note = {新潟市近効農村で都市化と混住化が著しく進んでいる亀田町・横越町を対象とし,住民と農協組合員がどのような開発を望み,地域づくりを考えているのかを把握するため,それぞれ有権者名簿と農協組合員名簿から無作為抽出し,郵送留置法によって質問紙調査を実施した。調査の結果,農家の意向は農地の線引きを新たにする必要性,計画的な土地利用を求めているほか,農業志向としては米作り志向が依然として強いこともあって現状維持志向と経営の共同化による対応に分かれていた。また,住民は乱開発の防止,住民主導の開発と地域づくり,農地の農家と非農家との交流を望んでおり,そのために農産物の情報の提供や朝市・市民農園・貸農園を希望している。そして,住みよい地域を作るために,農協に生活者の立場に立った,農業と他産業の調和のとれた地域づくりを求めていた。, The study is to understand the views of rurban dwellers and members of Agricultural Cooperatives at Kameda and Yokogoshi towns on how to promote the farming and farming community development under the sizable increase of the non-farm dwellers in the suburban farming villages enhanced by the rapid urbanization and urban area expansion in Niigata city. The methodology of the study involved mailing questionnaires enclosed with self-addressed and stamped envelopes to the randomly selected dwellers who are registered as voters for election as well as to the enrolled members of the Agricultural Cooperatives. The findings of the study show that the dwellers consider it essential that the boundary of farmland area be newly fixed, and planned use of land be determined. They strongly emphasize rice farming as the principal purpose of agriculture but they hold different opinions as to how to manage the farming either through present individual farming by adjusting the farm-size or through group farming. In addition to that, the dwellers ask for prevention of indiscriminate increase of dwellers, development of leadership among the dwellers to accelerate the progress of farming area and promotion of social interaction between farm families and non-farm families for which facilities for getting information about farm products, farmers' markets, etc are necessary. The non-farm dwellers expressed their views that in order to enhance the advancement of the farming area for comfortable living, harmony between agricultural industries and non-farming industries is necessary.}, pages = {83--98}, title = {都市近郊農村における都市開発と農業・農村振興に関する住民の意向分析 : 新潟県亀田町・横越町の調査結果}, volume = {50}, year = {1997} }