@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00028510, author = {森井, 俊広 and 松本, 智 and 森, 敬幸}, issue = {2}, journal = {新潟大学農学部研究報告, 新潟大学農学部研究報告}, month = {Mar}, note = {砂地ほ場で、ゲルフ式ウェルパーミアメータ(GP)法の適用性を調べた。当試験法は、 1985年前後にカナダのGuelph大学の研究グループによって開発されたもので、オーガーで掘削した半径教 cm 程度のウェル内に一定水位を保ち、そのときに生じる定常浸潤量を測定して、ほ場における飽和透水係数 K_ を測定するものである。一連の試験より、測定装置のシンプルさ、測定の簡便さと迅速性といった原位置試験法としての優れた性能を確認できた。測定精度も、十分に実務的なものであった。深さ140cm まで実施した GP法からえられたK_ と、その後に掘削したトレンチでの土層断面の観察結果および採取コア土の透水係数との対比を行った。GP法は、試験条件と土質に応じた測定領域をもつため、層構造をもつほ場では、この測定額域に含まれる土層を平滑したようなK_ を算出すること、また砂地ほ場のように相対的に透水性の高い土壌では、主に鉛直方向の透水係数を測定することが分かった。, An applicability of the Guelph well permeameter (GP) method was examined by in-situ tests in sand field. The GP method, which was developed by the researchers of Guelph University, Canada, around 1985, is an in-situ permeability test to determine a field-saturated hydraulic conductivity of soil, K_ by measuring steady-state infiltration rate from a bored well into the soil to maintain constant head of water within the well. The in-situ tests in the sand field showed that an apparatus of the GP method as well as a procedure to measure the steady-state infiltration rate is quite simple. Accuracy of K_ was successfully evaluated by comparing with saturated hydraulic conductivity of soil cores sampled from the test sites without disturbance. K_ along the vertical line from the soil surface to 140cm in depth were measured by the GP method and plotted together with the soil profile along the vertical section of a trench in the soil. Comparison between K_ along the soil profile and the saturated hydraulic conductivity of the soil cores sampled from the soil layers revealed that, in the case of layered soil, the GP method provides a weighted average value of K_ of layered soils included within some region around the well. It was also shown that the vertical component of hydraulic conductivity is preferably measured by the GP method in sand soil.}, pages = {151--158}, title = {ウエルパーミアメータ法を用いた砂地ほ場での透水係数の測定}, volume = {53}, year = {2001} }