@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00028492, author = {大懸, 重樹 and 後藤, 慎一 and 森井, 俊広}, issue = {2}, journal = {新潟大学農学部研究報告, 新潟大学農学部研究報告}, month = {Mar}, note = {新潟県西蒲原地域を対象として、既設揚水機場に対する地域住民の認識やイメージの度合、機能の満足度などをアンケート調査により調べた。そして、揚水機場ならびに周辺環境から受ける影響や施設と地域住民との関り方を整理し、それをもとにイメージ評価の特徴を明らかにした。農家のもつイメ-ジに、揚水機場の規模や農業用水機能といった実利・機能性が大きく関係してくることが分かった。一方、非農家では、土地改良区を認識し、維持管理作業に参加しているほど評価が高くなった。さらに、これからの農業水利施設に期待する機能について、地域住民の要望を調べた。農家、非農家ともに、防災や景観機能への高い期待を示した。また、非農家では、農家に比べ多面的な機能への期待が高いことが分かった。, A questionnaire study was conducted to investigate residents mental aspect, recognition and satisfaction related to the facility function of pump station constructed for agricultural use in Nishikawa, Niigata. Effect of landscape elements of the agricultural pump station as well as its surrounding area on the residents' mental aspect and their daily interrelation with the agricultural pump station were analyzed to understand a characteristic feature of the residents' image against the agricultural pump station. It is found that the mental images which the farmers are impressed from the agricultural pump station strongly depend on the physical function of the station such as facility size and pump capacity for conveying agricultural water. On the other hand the property of the image as well as the degree of the recognition of the agricultural pump station which the non-farmers showed are found to become well with their knowledge about a land improvement district and their participant to management works of the agricultural water use facilities. The multiple functions of the agricultural water use facilities which the residents expect were also investigated by the questionnaire study. Both the farmers and the non-farmers well expect the function of disaster prevention and the landscape feature. It is noticed that the non-farmers have a tendency to expect the multiple functions for the agricultural pump stations.}, pages = {129--137}, title = {既設揚水機場に対する認識度合およびイメージ調査から探るこれからの農業水利施設づくり : 新潟県西蒲原地域を事例として}, volume = {56}, year = {2004} }