@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00028467, author = {Hosoo, Yoshihiro and Imai, Takanori and Yoshida, Masato}, issue = {2}, journal = {新潟大学農学部研究報告, 新潟大学農学部研究報告}, month = {Mar}, note = {Differences in the innermost surface of developing secondary walls of conifer tracheids are seen from day to night using field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM). Cellulose microfibrils are clearly evident during the day, while amorphous material is prevalent at night. Immunogold-labeling experiments revealed that the amorphous material contains abundant levels of glucomannans, indicating that the material is matrix containing hemicellulose. Diurnal fluctuation of the tangential strain on the inner bark is also observed, suggesting that the diurnal differences in the innermost surface of developing secondary walls occur, corresponding to the diurnal changes in the volume of differentiating cells. Our further investigation showed that the diurnal differences were affected by light. When day and night in the photoperiodic cycle were reversed, the volumetric changes in differentiating cells and the diurnal differences in the innermost surface of developing secondary walls were also reversed. These findings suggest that there is a diurnal periodicity in the supply of cell wall components to the innermost surface of developing secondary walls, corresponding to the 24-h light-dark cycle.針葉樹仮道管の二次壁新生面を電界放出形走査電子顕微鏡(FE-SEM)で観察すると、昼と夜で違いが見られる。昼はセルロースミクロフィブリルが明確に観察され、夜は無定形物質が観察される。免疫金標識を用いた実験により、無定形物質がグルコマンナンを豊富に含み、この物質がヘミセルロースを含むマトリックスであることを示した。内樹皮の接線ひずみにも日変動が観察され、二次壁新生面における日周期的な変化は分化中細胞の体積の日変動に伴って起こる。さらなる研究により、その日周期的な変化が光に影響されることが分かった。明暗周期の昼と夜が反転すると、分化中細胞の体積変動や二次壁新生面における日周期的な変化も反転した。これらの結果は、24時間の明暗周期に伴う二次壁新生面への細胞壁成分の供給の日周期が存在することを提案するものである。}, pages = {63--69}, title = {Ultrastructural Investigations of Diurnal Periodicity in Cell Wall Formation of Conifer Tracheids}, volume = {57}, year = {2005} }