@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002844, author = {栗原, 敏之}, journal = {化石, 化石}, month = {Mar}, note = {Moderately well-preserved Early to Middle Devonian (Emsian to Eifelian) radiolarians were recovered from shaly portions of alternating sandstone and shale exposed at the Upper Ise River area of the western part of the Hida Gaien Belt, in Izumi Village, Fukui Prefecture, central Japan. This radiolarian-bearing clastic sequence differs lithologically from the limestone-dominant sequence previously defined as the Kamianama Group and thus the stratigraphic subdivision of the Devonian in this area should be revised. The radiolarian fauna of this clastic sequence is characterized by an abundant occurrence of species belonging to the genera Palaeoscenidium, Deflantrica, and Pactarentinia, and is comparable with that of the late Early to early Middle Devonian Glanta fragilis and Protoholoeciscus hindea zones proposed in the Yokokurayama area of the Kurosegawa Belt. The newly obtained microfossil and lithostratigraphic data strongly support that the Devonian strata consisting of both clastic and limestone-dominant sequences of the Ise area are correlative with the Yoshiki and Fukuji Formations of the Fukuji area, respectively.}, pages = {32--43}, title = {飛騨外縁帯西部の福井県和泉村伊勢川上流地域から産するデボン紀放散虫化石}, volume = {67}, year = {2000} }