@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00028438, author = {Ito, Sayuri and Ohtake, Norikuni and Sueyoshi, Kuni and Ohyama, Takuji}, issue = {1}, journal = {新潟大学農学部研究報告, 新潟大学農学部研究報告}, month = {Aug}, note = {Characteristics of the initial growth of hypernodulation soybean (Glycine max [L] Merr.) mutants isolatad from cv. Williams, NOD1-3, NOD2-4 and NOD3-7 were compared with that of parent cv. Williams with or without inoculation of Bradyrhizobium japonicum at 7 or 8 days after sowing. Total dry weight of each hypernodulation mutant seedling was not significantly different from that of Williams seedling in uninoculation conditions. In inoculation condition, nodule number of the plants at day 8 after sowing was higher in the order NOD1-3 (56)>NOD2-4 (33)>NOD3-7 (19)>Williams (17), but there is no significant difference between NOD3-7 and Williams. The plant dry weight was not different by hypernodulation trait at this stage. In uninoculation condition, root growth of NOD1-3 and NOD3-7 was faster than that of Williams. Stem length and dry weight of NOD3-7 were lower than those of other lines, so shoot growth of NOD3-7 might be different from others. Seedling growth of NOD2-4 was very similar with that of Williams, except nodule number. Therefore, NOD2-4 mutant line may be a best mutant of Williams to investigate autoregulation of nodulation.ダイズ(Glycine max [L] Merr.)品種Williamsから分離された根粒超着生変異株NOD1-3、NOD2-4およびNOD3-7について、播種7日後または8日後の幼植物の生育の特徴を、根粒菌非接種および接種条件下で親株のWilliamsと比較した。根粒菌非接種・接種条件ともに、変異株三系統の総乾物重はWilliamsとの比較で有意な差は認められなかった。非接種条件下では、NOD1-3とNOD3-7の根の生育がWilliamsより早い傾向にあることが示唆された。根粒菌接種条件下では、根粒数はNOD1-3(56個)>NOD2-4(33個)>NOD3-7(19個)>Williams(17個)の順であったが、NOD3-7とWilliamsの間に有意な差は認められなかった。NOD3-7は根粒超着生形質を示す変異株であるが、生育の極初期の根粒数に親株との差は認められなかった。幼植物の段階では、NOD1-3およびNOD2-4において根粒数が多くても根の生育は減少していなかった。また地上部生育に関して、NOD3-7は茎の生育が他より劣る傾向が認められた。NOD2-4の生育パターンは、根粒数が多いこと以外はWilliamsに最も近い性質を示した。従ってNOD2-4は根粒形成のオートレギュレーションの解析に最も適していると考えられる。}, pages = {39--43}, title = {Comparison of initial growth of hypernodulation soybean mutants, NOD1-3, NOD2-4 and NOD3-7, and Their Parent cv. Williams}, volume = {59}, year = {2006} }