@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00028432, author = {権田, 豊 and 登坂, 陽介 and 田中, 将徳 and 川邉, 洋}, issue = {2}, journal = {新潟大学農学部研究報告, 新潟大学農学部研究報告}, month = {Mar}, note = {2004年の新潟県中越地震により、信濃川水系魚野川支流の芋川流域で多発した崩壊・地すべりの特性をGISにより解析した。芋川流域で発生した崩壊・地すべりの占有面積率は、関東大震災や台湾集集地震と同様に高い値であった。崩壊は地すべりと比べて、平均的な規模は小さいが発生件数が多いため、流域全体では崩壊・地すべりの占有面積率は同程度の値であった。崩壊は30~40°の斜面で多発しているのに対し、地すべりはより勾配の緩い20~30°の斜面で多発していた。崩壊・地すべりともに砂岩・砂岩泥岩互層で多発していた。崩壊と比較すると地すべりは、地すべり地形内・外の占有面積率の差が著しく、地すべり地形内ではほとんど地すべりが発生しなかった。The Mid Niigata Prefecture Earthquake on October 23, 2004 caused much landslides and slope failures in the Chuetsu region of Niigata prefecture, particularly in the river basin of the Imo river, a tributary of the Uono river, which is itself a part of Shinano river system. Characteristics of landslides and slope failure caused by the earthquake were analyzed using GIS. Rate of slope failure or landslide by area in the Imo river basin is as high as that by 1923 Kanto earthquake and 1999 Taiwan Chi-Chi earthquake. Number and total area of slope failures are greater than those of landslides. However, average area size of landslide is greater than that of slope failure. Slope failures were most common at slope inclinations in the range 30°-.Landslides were most common at slope inclinations in the range 20°- 30°. Rate of slope failure and landslide was higher in sandstone region and alternation of sandstone and mudstone region. Rate of slope failure and landslide inside landslide configuration was greater that outside landslide configuration. Especially, difference of landslide rate between inside and outside landslide configuration was great.}, pages = {108--113}, title = {新潟県中越地震により発生した芋川流域の崩壊及び地すべりのGIS による特性解析}, volume = {59}, year = {2007} }