@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00028411, author = {森井, 俊広 and 西野, 信之}, issue = {2}, journal = {新潟大学農学部研究報告, 新潟大学農学部研究報告}, month = {Mar}, note = {2007年新潟県中越沖地震により,柏崎市や刈羽村で生活・産業基盤に甚大な被害が生じた。液状化による家屋被害が集中した刈羽村では,宅地地盤に加えて,農業集落排水処理施設も大きな損傷を受けた。この地域は,2004年中越地震でも甚大な被害を受けた。その際に被災した管路および道路は,地盤改良ののち復旧埋め戻しされたが,今回の中越沖地震でほとんど損傷が生じなかった。本文では,まず,2007年中越沖地震で生じた農業用および生活関連施設の被害状況を概覧し,その特徴をまとめた。次いで,刈羽村を事例対象に,農業集落排水処理施設の被害状況を調べ,当村で採用された地盤改良工法の液状化に対する効果と実務性を探った。The Chuetsu district, Niigata Prefecture, Japan, was struck by the Niigataken Chuetsu-oki Earthquake in 2007. Magnitude 6.8 was estimated at its epicenter north away from the shore of the district. A strong shock of earthquake, 6.0 to 6.4 of the intensity scale, attacked Kasiwazaki city, Nagaoka city and Kariwamura, Niigata, and IItsuna-machi, Nagano, and caused terrible disaster of social and industry infrastructures including domestic houses and agricultural facilities. In Kariwamura, sewerage facilities as well as the domestic houses were severely damaged by the liquefaction of the foundation soil. Kariwamura has experienced another huge earthquake, the Niigataken Chuetsu Earthquake in 2004. A large length of pipeline for rural sewerage was damaged by the soil liquefaction during this earthquake, but repaired successfully by using the sand soil mixed with lime admixture. These pipelines damaged in 2004 and repaired by soil improvement could eliminate safely the terrible damage of soil liquefaction caused by the Niigataken Chuetsu-oki Earthquake in 2007. This means that robust alternative of the soil improvement is effectively examined by the two big earthquakes in the Chuetsu district, Niigata. Firstly the terrible disaster caused by the Niigataken Chuetsu-oki Earthquake in 2007 is outlined in the paper. Then the damage of the sewerage pipelines studied in Kariwamura is summarized together with some results of laboratory soil test. The liquefaction resistance of soil is also calculated based on the field soil investigation. Lastly effectiveness and robustness of the alternative of the soil improvement against the soil liquefaction selected by Kariwamura are emphasized.}, pages = {147--153}, title = {2007年新潟県中越沖地震の被災事例で確認された地盤改良土の耐液状化性能}, volume = {60}, year = {2008} }