@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00028291, author = {阪, 絵梨子 and 森井, 俊広 and 小林, 薫 and 松元, 和伸}, issue = {2}, journal = {新潟大学農学部研究報告, 新潟大学農学部研究報告}, month = {Mar}, note = {礫層の上部に砂層を重ねた単純な土層地盤では、土粒子の大きさに起因する砂層と礫層の保水性(毛管力)の違いにより、地表面から浸潤してきた水は境界面の上部で捕捉され、集積する。砂礫層の境界面に傾斜を設けると、集積した水は砂層内を傾斜方向に流下し排水される。その結果、境界面以深の領域は一定の範囲にわたって水の浸入から保護される。この砂層と礫層を重ねた単純な土層地盤にみられる浸潤水の遮断・排水機能を、土のキャピラリーバリア(Capillary barrier of soil: CB)と呼ぶ。 本研究では、高度な浸潤水の遮断・排水機能を有する土層地盤を導入して、危険な廃棄物あるいは低レベルの放射性廃棄物を安全に管理するための盛土形式の廃棄物処理方法を提案する。廃棄物の処理においては、拡散防止の観点から、雨水と地下水の遮断・排水が必須となることから、CB によるすぐれた浸潤水の遮断・排水機能を利用し、廃棄物等の貯蔵管理に適用しようとするものである。盛土形式の廃棄物処理施設は、表層部に敷設した上部CB 被覆層により降雨による浸潤水を遮断するとともに、万が一に浸潤が生じた場合、底部CB 排水層により貯蔵廃棄物中を通過してくる土中水を安全に集水し、排水できる二重の安全構造になっている。盛土形式であるため、地下水の流入はなく、周囲地盤への2次拡散の懸念がない。, Capillary barrier (CB) is a tilting soil layer system which is composed of a finer soil layer (sand) underlain by a coarser soil layer (gravel), and has an excellent feature of reducing and diverting infiltration water. A shallow land waste repository, in which a top CB and a bottom CB are placed to reduce infiltration due to rainfall and to divert percolating water through the protected waste material respectively, is proposed to isolate effectively a hazardous waste material or a very low level radioactive waste. As the shallow land waste repository is constructed on ground surface, there is no risk that groundwater enters the waste and diffuses pollutants into a surrounding environment. It should be also emphasized that the CB can maintain its function of water diversion for an extremely long duration because it consists of natural materials such as sand and gravel. Structural dimensions of the shallow land waste repository should be determined by an effective diversion length of water along an interface between soil layers of the CB. The diversion length is estimated based on the infiltration flux, saturated and unsaturated hydraulic properties of the CB soils, and the interface slope. Although the diversion length is theoretically as much as 50 m in a climate with an order of magnitude less infiltration, only 1 to 2 meters of the diversion length, far from practical employment of the CB into the shallow land waste repository, has been observed and published. In the paper, the diversion length of the CB which can be applied to structural design of the shallow land waste repository are provided based on the laboratory test and the field observation, and some feasible proposition is given for construction of the shallow land waste repository covered by a top CB layer and a bottom CB drainage layer. Observations of soil moisture content in the test land repository which started from July, 2013, will be discussed to show an effectiveness of the CB.}, pages = {155--161}, title = {土のキャピラリーバリア機能を利用した試験的な盛土式廃棄物貯蔵施設のフィールド条件下での性能}, volume = {66}, year = {2014} }