@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00028269, author = {Awang, Azwan and Mohamadu, Boyie Jalloh and Pang, Su Kuan and Itoh, Kimiko and Mitsui, Toshiaki and Mohd., Dandan Alidin}, journal = {新潟大学農学部研究報告, 新潟大学農学部研究報告}, month = {Feb}, note = {Conversion of fertile lands to other uses has been one of limiting factors for paddy production in Malaysia. Infertile soil such as Beach Ridges Interspersed with Swales (BRIS) soil has a potential for paddy production if it’s fertility has been improved. We, therefore, conducted a study to determine the optimum rate of NPK and chicken manure for growth and yield of TR-9 paddy variety grown on BRIS soil and also to determine the nutrient content of the BRIS soil after different high application rates of NPK and chicken manure. Treatments were three NPK rates at 60:30:30 kg ha^<-1>, 100:60:60 kg ha^<-1> and 150:90:90 kg ha^<-1>, and three chicken manure rates at 20 t ha^<-1>, 40 t ha^<-1> and 60 t ha^<-1>, arranged in a complete randomized design. Our results showed that TR-9 paddy variety growth and yield were not significantly affected by combination of NPK and chicken manure when grown on BRIS soil. NPK rate of 60:30:30 kg ha^<-1> produced the highest percentage of productive tillers (71.62 %) and 1000 grains weight (24.73 g). Chicken manure rate of 20 t ha^<-1> produced the highest plant height (127.75 cm), culm height (85.58 cm), percentage of filled grains (83.73 %), 1000 grains weight (25.81 g), extrapolated yield (11.16 tons ha^<-1>) and dry weight (464.44 g). Furthermore, application of high NPK and chicken manure to BRIS soil have significantly increased soil nutrients and organic carbon content which in turn can promote better growth and yield., マレーシアでは肥沃な土地が非農業的な用途に使用され、水稲生産の制限要因の一つとなっている。しかし、湿地に散在する浜堤(BRIS)土壌の様な痩せ地でも施肥で改良すれば水稲生産に使用可能である。そこで、我々はBRIS 土壌においてイネ品種TR-9の成長及び収量に最適な化成肥料組成及び鶏糞の施肥量を決定し、種々の組成の化成肥料または異なる量の鶏糞を施肥した後のBRIS 土壌の栄養素含有量の違いを調査する事を目的として研究を行った。3種の化成肥料組成、60:30:30 kg ha^<-1>、100:60:60 kg ha^<-1>、150:90:90 kg ha^<-1>または3種の鶏糞量、20 t ha^<-1>、40 t ha^<-1>、60 t ha^<-1> を施肥し、完全無作為化法を用いて実験を行った。その結果、 BRIS 土壌で成長させたイネ品種TR-9の成長及び収量に対して化成肥料の組成や鶏糞施肥量の違いがもたらす影響には統計学的に有意な違いはなかった。60:30:30 kg ha^<-1> の化成肥料の施肥区では、円錐花序の付いた稈の産生能(71.62 %)と 1000 粒重(24.73 g)において、最も高い値が示された。また、20 t ha^<-1> の鶏糞施肥区では草高(127.75 cm)、稈の高さ(85.58cm)、籾の充満率(83.73 %)、1000 粒重(25.81 g)、補外収量(11.16 tons ha^<-1>)、乾燥重量(464.44 g)において、最も高い値が示された。さらに、化成肥料または鶏糞を施肥したBRIS 土壌では、有意に土壌養分と有機炭素含有量が増加しており、イネの成長と収量の改善を促進できる事が示された。}, pages = {43--48}, title = {Effect of Adding Appropriate Mixture of NPK and Chicken Manure on Growth and Yield of TR-9 Paddy Variety on Beach Ridges Interspersed with Swales (BRIS) Soil}, volume = {68}, year = {2016} }