@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00028124, author = {和泉, 薫}, journal = {新潟大学積雪地域災害研究センター研究年報, 新潟大学積雪地域災害研究センター研究年報}, month = {Dec}, note = {Meteorological observations were carried out on a dome at the top of a glacier called Asgardfonna, Spitsbergen, from May 26 to June 13, 1987. During a cloudy period with low temperatures and high humidity, we observed occasional icing on the soft rime of vertical obstacles. When a soft rime developed, the air temperature ranged from -8 ~ -10 ℃ and the wind speed was less than 5m/s. The density of soft rime ranged from 0.13~0.47g/cm^3 and increased with the increase in the mass of icing per unit time. The calculated value of the liquid water content of air ranged from 0.1~0.5 g/m^3. It was estimated that icing on a horizontal snow surface did not contribute so much to the annual accumulation of this glacier.}, pages = {121--129}, title = {氷河涵養域で観測された着氷について (藤田至則教授退官記念号)}, volume = {10}, year = {1988} }