@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002810, author = {Niimi, Yoshiji}, issue = {2}, journal = {園芸学会雑誌, Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science}, month = {Sep}, note = {The present investigation deals with the effect of pollination on formation of mature seeds on excised placenta cultivated in vitro.\r\\n Artificial pollination was performed by the two following methods: (i) pollen grains were dusted directly onto the ovules with a placenta (placental pollination); (ii) styles were excised aseptically, cut into about 7 to 10mm in length after applying pollen grains onto the stigma, and then were inoculated on or around ovules with a placenta (stylar pollination).\r\\n Placental pollination. In self- and cross-pollination of the clone W166H, 3.1 and 2.9 mature seeds per ovary were obtained, respectively. The mature seeds which were detached from the placenta were sown on a fresh medium containing agar alone, and then some of them germinated. \r\\n Germinating pollen grains were observed on both self- and cross-pollination explants of the clone K146BH, but neither of the combinations produced mature seeds.\r\\n Stylar pollination. A number of mature seeds were obtained by self-and cross-pollination of clone W166H, that is, 12.2 seeds per ovary in self-pollination and 11.5 seeds in cross-pollination, respectively, were obtained. About one-fourth of these seeds germinated.\r\\n In self- and cross-pollination of clone K146BH, 5.2 and 5.9 mature seeds per ovary were obtained, respectively. Some of these seeds which detached from the placenta were germinated normally on a fresh medium containing agar only.\r\\n It was concluded that the number of mature seeds per ovary depends upon the technique of pollination, that is, stylar pollination was substantially more successful than the placental pollination., 自家不和性植物Petunia hybrida,系統W166H(S_2S_3)と系統K146BH(S_6S_6)を用いて試験管内受精を行なった.受粉法として次の2方法を用いた:(ⅰ)RangaswamyとShivanna(1967)が使った,花粉を未受精はい珠に直接散布する方法(Placental pollination);(ⅱ)無菌的に摘出した花柱に,あらかじめ用意した花粉を自家受粉または他家受粉したあと,花柱を7~10mmの長さに切り,それらの花柱の切り口をはい珠にできる限り近づけ置床する.この新しい受粉法をStylar pollinationと呼ぶ. Placental pollination:W166Hの自家受粉および他家受粉(K146BHの花粉を使用)で,それぞれ子房あたり3.1粒,2.9粒の種子が得られた.それらの種子を胎座から切り離し,新しく用意した寒天培地には種したところ多数の実生が得られた.一方K146BHのはい珠にK146BHおよびW166Hの花粉を散布したが,はい珠表面での花粉管伸長は良好であるにもかかわらず,完熟種子は自家受粉および他家受粉区とも全く得られなかった. Stylar pollination:W166Hの自家受粉および他家受粉区で子房あたり12.2粒と11.5粒の完熟種子が得られた.Stylar pollinationで得られたこれらの種子を寒天培地上には種したところ多数の正常実生が得られた. 以上のことから試験管内受精で自家不和合性の打破を試みるさいの受粉法として,Stylar pollinationがplacental pollinationよりも有効であり,多くの種子が確実に得られることが明らかとなった.}, pages = {168--172}, title = {Effect of "Stylar Pollination" on in vitro Seed Setting of Petunia hybrida}, volume = {45}, year = {1976} }