@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00028085, author = {高浜, 信行}, journal = {新潟大学積雪地域災害研究センター研究年報, 新潟大学積雪地域災害研究センター研究年報}, month = {Mar}, note = {The ancient primary landslide mass is an independent rock mass controlled by gravity on the slope. In this paper, several examples of the ancient slide mass were outlined. They are the Late Pleistocene slide mass in the vicinity of Kashiwazaki City, the Mushigame ancient primary landslide in the Niigata district and large-scale rock slide in the Early to Middle Pleistocene at Kirihara hill (Hasegawa, 1990) in the Shikoku Island, and Uchiyama landslide occurred on 1983 (Shin,1984) in the Toyama district. An important feature of the masses is disturbed rocks formed by primary movement. The irregular disturbance in forms and scales can be recognized in the sliding blocks as mass without being separated into small blocks. Such slide mass should be treated as a different materials from firm bedrocks in the hydrogeological condition and the mechanical properties of rocks. But, it is a difficult problem to recognize the ancient large-scale slide mass. The investigation of multiple structure of landslide –e.g., mother, daughter and granddaughter landslide-in the large-scale landslide areas is helpful to recognize the ancient displaced masses. Most of the presently active landslides are the secondary slides from the ancient primary slide masses and present primary slide is very rare, in the Japanese Islands. Namely, the primary slide masses are the original materials for the secondary ones. “Rockslide is a synonym for primary slide. But, this term is convenient for the corrective measure of landslide disasters, because of its appropriate expression in connection with the slide materials. Accordingly, the author proposed the elimination of its historical meaning from the term of rockslide''. If there is an accurate primary one, it should be called primary rockslide. Most of the modern rockslides in the Japanese Island, are the recurrent -secondary- rockslide. The generation of the secondary rockslide have been strongly controlled by a ruptured surface of the primary rockslide mass. The Uchiyama landslide mentioned above and the Nakamaruke landslide occurred on July, 1981 in the Niigata district were good examples of it.}, pages = {9--22}, title = {旧期初生的地すべり地塊と『岩盤地すべり』について}, volume = {13}, year = {1992} }