@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002808, author = {新美, 芳二 and 渡辺, 宏和}, issue = {3}, journal = {園芸学会雑誌, 園芸学会雑誌}, month = {Dec}, note = {1.ヒメサユリ(L. rubellum Baker)の組織培養による繁殖を効果的に進めるため,既に報告した葉(9)の他に鱗片(対照)と同等またはそれ以上の効率で子球を形成する植物体部分があるかどうかを萠芽期から開花期までの植物体を用いて検討した. 2.花被片,花糸,花柱及び茎は子球を形成したが,それは採取時期によって異なった.すなわち花被片や茎は開花4週間前及び同2週間前,花柱や花糸は開花時に採取した場合に比較的高い子球形成能力を示した. 3.花被片,花糸及び花柱は,それらの基部側からの切片が高い子球形成率を示し,茎では頂部付近からの切片が多くの子球を形成した. 4.萠芽後比較的早い時期に採取した茎の頂部5cmから調整した節切片及び節間切片はともに多くの子球を形成し,特に節切片は非常に高い子球形成能力を持つことがわかった. 5.本研究の結果から,ヒメサユリの組織培養による子球増殖のために,花被片や茎は外植体としてきわめて有効で,それらの鱗片とほぼ同等かそれ以上の子球形成能力を持つことがわかった., In Lilium rubellum Baker, segments excised from stems and floral parts were found to form bulblets on the modified Murashige and Skoog medium supplemented with 1mg/l naphthalenacetic acid and 0.1mg/l 6-benzylaminopurine (9). It was especially true for stem- and tepal-segments, whitch were comparable to scale segments in their ability of bulblet formation. The bulblet formation, however, was found to vary with the age of parent plants at excision. Thus, tepal- and stem-segments formed many bulblets when excised from the plants 4 to 2 weeks before flowering but did scarcely when excised at flowering. Filament segments formed bulblets when excised from the plants 2 weeks before and at flowering. Filament segments formed bulblets when excised from the plants 2 weeks before and a flowering, whereas style segments did only when excised at flowering. None of stem segments formed any bulblets when excised at flowering. The bulblet formation also varied with the position of segments on each plant parts. The proximal segments of floral parts formed more bulblets than the distal ones, whereas the reverse was true in the stem segments. Stem segments were divided into the nodal- and internodal-ones. Nodal segments formed more bulblets than internodal ones. Further, both segments, especially the nodal ones, formed bulblets in higher percentage when excised from the distal 5 cm of the young stem 10 to 15 days after sprouting. It could be concluded from the results that the segments excised from tepals and stems 4 to 2 weeks before flowering were as useful as scale segments to effectively produce bulblets in the in vitro propagation of L. rubellum Baker.}, pages = {344--349}, title = {組織培養によるヒメサユリ(Lilium rubellum Baker)の繁殖,特に茎切片の子球形成について}, volume = {51}, year = {1982} }